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  • Dedicated to Suzanne Spooks Hitchinson

''URGHHHHHH I can't move'' Riot grumbled to herself she slowly peeled off whoever arms were wrapped around and still couldn't get up '' what the hell'' she realized she was dead from the waist down from falling asleep on the floor , she tried to manoeuvre herself but failed a little bit well she managed to crawl out of the blanket but trying to get up was hard her legs had pins and needles in them then she got cramp which resulted in her some how ending on her back after ten minutes of the cramp and pins and needles going she finally got up '' what an idiot'' she said to herself  laughing she headed over to the patio area where her cigarettes were and lit one up she quietly pulled a chair around and sat down once she finished her smoke she headed in for a coffee.

The kettle boiled she made the coffee to her likeness and turned around walking smack bang into a hard body thinking it was one of the guys from outside she said sorry and tried walking around who ever it was, next thing she knew she was grabbed she looked up '' Ronnie what the fuck I told you I never wanted to see you again'' he just sneered at her '' yeah well sorry love but I'm here to stay your mine and always will be no matter what'' Riot just stared at him and cleared her throat slightly raising her voice'' really i am not your property Ronnie never have been never will be '' Ronnie moved closer to her '' oh yeah well that piece of metal says otherwise Sarah!'' she glanced down ''oooh this piece of tin you mean Ronnie '' she pulled the ring off her finger and shoved it at him ''you are a proper ungrateful cunt aren't you I was good enough to get this piece of tin as you put it and now you are throwing it back in my face your nothing but worthless '' by now Riot was starting to get agitated ''excuse me im ungrateful? whos the one who was fucking behind my back making excuses to go out not fucking me Ronnie you are the worthless ungrateful twat and you know something I wish I never got with you something told me not too but no i followed my heart yet again and look whats happened I trusted you with everything Ronnie just for you to do what you did well I'm telling you to get out''.

What happened next Riot did not expect , Ronnie threw her against the wall raised his fist and rammed it into her face she screamed and tried fighting back which made it worse he then started hitting her more her lip was split and her nose bloody he continued punching her in the sides the stomach on her arms and legs he then started on her face again giving her a black eye he then turned round and started smashing up the kitchen '' Riot are you ok what you screaming for Flame says she hopes its not a spider your ............... what the fuck man '' Zacky asked when he came walking into the kitchen to see if Riot was alright  He took one look at Ronnie '' are you for real hitting a woman?'' Riot put her hand on Zackys arm telling him it was alright but he ignored '' well answer me you dumb fuck'' Ronnie just glared '' what the fuck is it too you, this is between me and her and no one else ''

'' Really not from where I'm standing its not mate shes done fuck all to you'' Zacky snapped back , Ronnie squared himself up and grabbed Ronnie '' oh yeah and whats it too you, you shagging her or summit?'' Zacky was about to reply when Ronnie punched him in the face '' lets see what your fans think of you now your face will be all fucked up '' He was about to throw another punch when Zacky beat him to it he may be smaller than Ronnie but he could throw some punches they both ended on the floor , Ronnie bit Zacky on the ear and got up next thing Zacky knew Ronnie kicked him in the ribs again and again then there was a sickening snap and Zacky shouting out in pain Ronnie was about to do the same again when he was flung across the kitchen what was left of it by Matt , Brian was helping Zacky up while Flame was trying to get Riot out of the kitchen to clean her up.

The punch up continued but Matt had got the upper hand after Matt finished he looked at Ronnie '' no-one ever touches these two women and gets away with it mate if you do same will happen again but I wont stop until you are six feet under Radke'', Ronnie sneered at him '' is that a threat Sanders coz it sure sounded like one to me'' Matt grinned '' yeah it was Radke keep away from Riot and stay clear of here you have no reason to come here she told you that last night take heed'' Ronnie got up from where he was ''yeah well you are all welcome to her but lets say she never gives out god its like dating a bloody old woman wont let you touch her or near her a man has needs and she wouldnt fulfill mine so dont expect it'' he replied Matt laughed '' really well maybe she wouldn't for you but she was comfy with Jimmy hugging her last night and you say she doesn't like being touched hahaha'' Matt laughed as Ronnie shrugged his shoulders '' ahh well Jimmy can enjoy her then cant he it wont last believe me'' with that he got up and being the big man he is walked up to Riot and sneered at her '' watch your back you never know where I am babe'' and kissed her full on the lips before leaving '' so long fuckers'' he shouted and slammed the door.


Flame took Riot upstairs to get her cleaned up in the bathroom '' fucking hell sis he's made some mess of you you need stitches I think I'll tell you better once Ive cleaned you up you've got a lovely shiner what happened any ways?'' Riot shook her head '' I thought it was one of the guys come in from the garden I was taking no notice and when I looked up it was him he told me I belonged to him and it went on from there is Zacky and Matt alright?'' she asked Flame nodded yeah Zacky has a broken rib and his face is messed up but not too bad i'm sure make up will cover him a bit for when hes on stage and for the photo shoots they have and Matt well he's good only a slight bruise '' Riot laughed at what Flame.

Once cleaned up and sorted out they headed down stairs the guys had cleaned the kitchen and salvaged what they could Jimmy asked if he could lend the car to take Zacky to the local hospital to get strapped up and joked on he would need a tetanus shot after being bit by Ronnie they asked if Riot  wanted a run over she was about to refuse but never got the chance when Flame told Jimmy she would need to be checked out.They headed to the local hospitals accident and emergency department after half an hours wait they were both seen too Riot had filed a report of abuse and also set an injunction on Ronnie to keep away from her house, property and work.

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