1. Where do we begin

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"Never fear the unknown despite what we have stated in the past. You are starting anew with more knowledge you could ever use to your advantage. It's not starting over that should frighten you; it's where you will end up. Never look back on the things we cannot change. We are not those people glued to the past; and we most certainly do not hold grudges. C.S. Lewis states, 'There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.' The past is in the past. You are starting over. A new identity. New skills. A new life with a clean slate. A more grand life awaits you; but don't let your fear of letting go get in the way."

- Transcendent Book of Life

"We have to talk. It's about Matty." I say as the color in her hazel-blue eyes fade as she goes completely white. I bet she wasn't expecting that curveball to be dropped at her doorstep. Not exactly the news you say over the phone; so doorstep it is. It was a look I hadn't seen on her since the night in the waiting room; when they told her that Matty was gone. Pushing the door open, she allows us to make our way into the dainty little home.

It's what used to be my home. The place where I ran into the counter; earning me a nick above the eye and a dent in the wall. My mother was not happy that day. Even though I hadn't lived here in months, the house still felt like mine. As the door closed behind us, both Eddie and I jump – startled by the sudden noise. We both stared at each other; hoping one of us would open up to the she-devil herself.

This is my mother we're talking about. Crazy doesn't even begin to explain her in a nutshell. Add her supersonic scream to the mix; and the outcomes will be cataclysmic. For years, she has hidden her true nature from the world as well as us – but heaven help us if she wields her power. By sheer force, she will knock you down. There was this one time, when Matty and I were younger; that she told us about the time when dad and her first met. Surely, it's one for the history books if you ask me. An 8th grader as the head cheerleader in middle school and a Brainiac 9th grader in high school. Life was pretty simple back then as she likes to recall; before the stress of reality settled in for the long haul.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

The pyramid of cheerleaders crumbled against the mat at one of the afterschool practices. It was a Wednesday; and there wasn't enough time to create a brand new and flawless routine; when the national championship was in three days. "Great! That was terrible. This needs to be perfect. How else will we bring home yet another national championship trophy? Either get it right or don't bother being a Willoughby Nova. Practice is over." Roared Chloe as she shoves her pom-poms into her friend Becky's hands. Then grabs her gym bag and heads to the bus stop. Even back then she was a little she-devil. Mass destruction wherever she goes.

There was this park called: Angel Island and she went to this big oak tree that had blue gel embedded in the bark. My mother sat on the bench and tried to calm herself; and she couldn't. Her scream was manifest to be muffled – so she wouldn't endanger anyone. Someone was watching her in the tree lining; and as he waited for her to stop screaming – he admired her for her beauty.

"You could take out a whole town with that scream of yours. Sure you're not a Banshee?" questioned this tall, dark-haired teenage boy. "You should probably be more cautious in public. Wouldn't want that secret getting out, now would we?"

Startled, she gets defensive and stands up. He holds his hand out and a blue electrostatic flame to show her that they were one of the same. "No need to be alarmed. I'm a Transcendent. My gift is that of an electric aura. How about I take you out on a date?"

"First you startle me and now you expect me to go on a date with you? Why?"

"Because we're going to end up together."

"A little bit cocky, are we?" joked my mother.

"Soul mate principle. Remember?"

"You still believe in that folklore? Do you have a name?" quizzed my mother as she sat down; and pointed to the bench for my father to sit. "I'm Patrick Kolding. You're Chloe Anderson. Nice to meet you after all these years."

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Jumping right to the point, my mother asks "So, what about Matty? What is so important that you come to me this late at night after no communication for months?" She said it – not me. The temperature in the room dropping as she came to realize what was happening. "It's happening isn't it? The war everyone was afraid to admit was among our horizon? It's here, isn't it? Emma. Say something."

"Well that is a point to be addressed after we discuss Matty."

"Spoken like a true leader. Have you found more Transcendents besides Eddie, Mikey, and your sister, Nikki?"

"Unless there's another secret sibling you want to tell me about – then no. I've found the ones that we go to school with; but that is not what I came to discuss with you. Stop deflecting mother. We have to talk about Matty." I say as I cross my arms and give her a grave look; before sitting down beside her. My mother's faint look slowly dissipated into a wide-eyed, unreadable, and wanly expression; as she notices Eddie's pitying gaze.

Shifting her weight to one side, she crosses her legs and asks, "What about Matty?" For a moment, the outside world didn't matter; and the silence leading up to the climax was intense. My breathing continued to come in jagged gasps; while Eddie's hand tightened around mine. "About the night he was killed." A tingle tiptoed down my spine as she looks at us with a bleak, almost dead expression.

"Mom, we know who killed Matty. The evidence proves our point." I gasp as I reached out towards her. The room felt like an oven. Thoughts circled my head as I locked eyes with my mother's scornful eyes. Nothing could tether us apart. Goosebumps felt like a million daggers underneath my skin; as the silence weighed in on us. My mother repositioned herself as she yanked her hand away from mine; clenching her jaw and looking motionless. Narrowing her eyes, she lifts her chin while remaining tight-lipped.


Eddie looked at me and I leaned in and grabbed my mother's reluctant hand. "It was dad."

"You're mistaken."

"Am I though? I have all the evidence, mom. Dad had a rough day at work and was forced to take a leave of absence. Mom, he left work and went bar-hopping all throughout all of Willoughby. There are cameras that place him five minutes before the deadly crash. When Matty died – dad went nuts and left. He came back with a brand new car, mom."

"Mrs. Kolding, are you alright?"

"You just told me that my husband went drinking and driving and killed our only son; and fled the scene. How do you suppose I am holding up?" roars my mother as she tightens her grip on the couch.


"How long have you known?"

Standing up, I walk over and plop down beside her; sensing the floodgates about to burst. "Since February. I wanted to make sure we weren't feeding the lies; and we had to gather the evidence. You wouldn't have believed me. Dad killed Matty."

Reaching out for my hand, she gives me a half-smile as the tears roll down her cheeks. "Then we will make him pay. No one harms my children and gets away with it. No longer am I hiding in the dark. We will take down your father just like we will stop this never-ending darkness that wants to cause complications in our lives."

The secret was out.

No way to take it back now.

A weight has finally been lifted from my shoulders and thrown overboard. Yet it doesn't change the fact that there is indeed a war brewing in our own backyard; and we will need all the help we can get.

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