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Name: Maurice

Age: 22

Height: 4'5

Personality: kind, friendly, childish, stubborn, short tempered, polite, dense, a bit rude, mean, slightly reckless, playfully, mischievous, aggressive, blunt, respectful

Appearance:  godzilla's tail and spikes on his back and blue eyes

Power and abilities:
Ki manipulation
Fire manipulation
Fire dragon slayer magic manipulation
Healing manipulation
Ice manipulation
Portal manipulation
Radiation adsorption manipulation
Plasma cutter
Super oscillatory wave
Dorsal plate energy adsorption manipulation
Chaos energy manipulation
Chaos blast
Chaos spear
Chaos control
Spin dash
Homing attack
Fire dragon king mode
Fire lightning dragon mode
Dragon force
Blue spiral ray mode
Red spiral ray mode
Super form
Fleetway form
Hyper form
Super godzilla mode
Burning godzilla mode
Darkspine  mode
Final war mode
Atomic flames manipulation
Atomic energy manipulation
Purple spiral ray mode
Conqueror's will(similar of Conqueror's haki)

Shurikens and kunais

Has race against Archie Sonic and nearly beat him.

Had race rematch against Archie Sonic and had tied up with him.

Has fought against Goku and beat him.

Surpassed his older siblings in power.

Fought against doomdays and won.

Absorb the seven chaos emeralds.

Beat Galactus with help of his family and friends.

Has infinite stamina.

Fought world breaker Hulk for entire month and won.

Beat Carrie with help of Jun and Keres along with Tyler( Son-Azuki oc) and Gozek(also Son-Azuki oc)

Had went against Scp-682.

Has the potential to destroy multiple omniversal to outerveres in the purple spiral ray mode.

Had been impaled through the chest and continue to fight.

Fought Golden Frieza, Goku black, and All for one at the same time and won.

Battle against Jaylen and Shay.

Had force Jaylen to transform.

Endure to continue fighting his both brothers with his ribs broken.

Is most one to take punishment out of all his siblings.

Is the most durable and endure out of his siblings and parents.

Went against Keres, Carrie and Jun while in the purple spiral ray mode.

Has broke out hit's timelag.

His clash with Carrie was starting to effect the omniverse.

Able to hold his own against Kyoryoku and Velora.

Trading blows with Drago and was start to effect an outerverse.

Has broke out of a time stop along with his siblings.

Able to Fought Charlene on his own for a few minutes.

Defeat Hexia with the other emporers.

Able to take on all his siblings while in his red spiral ray mode.

Able to face all four of his fused siblings and match them in power while in his fleetway.

Motion sickness due to being a dragon slayer.

Doesn't kill unless he has to.


Can't fly nor swim.

His fight against doomday had put him a in small coma.

Was once killed by Carrie.

Traumatize by his childhood.

In the past, has lost to his siblings and parents multiple times.

Can't hold the purple spiral ray for long as it will drain his life force.

Calling him short will make him mad.

Formly use to be defeated by his siblings and parents.

Doesn't have regeneration like his family and friends.

Lost an arm wrestling match to Drago.

Can sometimes lose control of himself.

Will let his emotions get in the way.

Was killed by Charlene.

His dorsal plate can be shattered by a strong powerful sound vibration which will weaken him and injure him greatly as Charlene had done this


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