Explaining the seven clans

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Hello everyone, how are you today? Today, I'll be explaining/talking about the seven clans: The Shi(death) clan, Creation clan, Flower clan, destruction clan, Seikatsu(life) clan, darkness clan, and the fate clan as best I can since my memories are kinda bad. I will try to keep as short as possible, wish me luck.

The Shi clan:
The Shi(or death in Japanese translation) clan is one of the most powerful clan in all of exstience. They were very strong clan and would often send children that could destroy universes. If a child was a prodigy, they would go to a multiverse and so on for at the time but now have stop.

They are well known for their powerful manipulation of souls, death,(my apologies if this doesn't seem powerful in my random book. My imagination is limited at what I write/think) and other abilities. They did have a ruler.

The first ruler was Carrie Shi. She was empress who ruled the clan and was the most powerful being across her clan. No one at the time dared to challenge her until two of them had heard her plan to conquer everything with her rival/friend Misery creation.

They were Shi(otherwise death herself) and her husband, Zenaku Shi.

With the help of their friends, Joy Creation, Jack creation, and Corvin(SwordwarriorX oc) they seal her and Misery for eons. Now Shi is the ruler of clan though she kept her clan universe a hidden from other due to first Shi Creation war which was a war between the creation and Shi after Misery and Carrie were sealed that is was so bad that all clan were nearly extinct(Joy and Shi stopped it) but the creation and Shi clan have came due to the gems they have.

They have the Shi gem( basically Their version of chaos emeralds and the dragon balls but with five gems) called Kirai and were created by Carrie.

Creation clan:
The Creation clan were the rivals/friends to the Shi clan and were also the one of the most powerful clan in existence due to their unique way of manipulating creation and other things and battling the Shi clan and having other abilities.

The clan were a clan of god and goddess.

They were rule by Misery. Misery ruled with an iron fist and was very well known across her clan as the most powerful being in existence, her only rival and friend at the time was Carrie. She would force the clan to destroy universes until she was sealed.

Now, the creation clan is friendly towards other but also a little perverted.

They also have gems like the Shi clan called the creation gems and called her Mirai, she the older sister of Kirai. She was created by Misery.

The flower clan:
The flower were known across as the clan that could manipulation Elemental in a unique but also godly way.

They weren't nearly as powerful as the creation and Shi clan. They also had a first ruler, Saik flower. The current ruler now is Levi.

Due to the first Shi creation war, Saik was killed in battle along 98% of the clan. The remain two are Levi and her older sister, Aella.

The destruction clan:
The destruction clan were clan of manipulation hakai and destruction and had a friendly rivalry towards the creation clan due to the opposite name.

They were the one to give Zeno, Hakai and they were also nearly wiped out during the war.

The ruler of the clan is Ember. She is one who give Zeno Hakai energy

The Seikatsu clan:
The Seikatsu clan was a clan of manipulation Life energy, and divine ki. They were also had heated/friendly rivalry with the Shi clan.

The ruler is Seikatsu(or life herself) and one of the rivals to Shi.

The clan also suffered from the war as there are five of them left but are friendly clan.

The fate clan:
The fate is basically the cousin to the flower clan and were also a clan of manipulation Elemental in a unique way.

They were also nearly wiped out as there are three of them left.

The ruler of the clan is Ino fate.

The darkness clan:
The darkness clan is a clan of manipulating darkness and shadow.

The ruler is Lady Giratina.

They are friendly clan and doesn't mind teaching those who need help how to manipulate darkness and shadows.

Author notes:
There we go. These are all(hopefully, pray for me) my clan that I made(hopefully original). I apologize if you don't get it or like them. This is probably my fault, I probably didn't do a good job explaining the clans.

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