"Yeah I got some stuff to finish up," she told him.

"Okay," he nodded getting up from his seat, "Well I'll see you in the morning sis." He moved past her in a sluggish state with his beer in hand.

"Goodnight Danny," she said silently as she watched him drag himself up the stairs. Once in his room, he got ready for bed and flopped himself onto his bed hoping that everything would disappear by tomorrow morning.

But that hope would fail to become a reality. 

He woke up the next morning feeling just as bad and in some ways even worse. He forced himself to get out of bed finding it hard to lift his heavy head from the pillow. Everything in him wanted to go back to sleep, seeing as it was 5 o'clock in the morning, but he knew there was a good reason he was up that early. He had two boys he had to take care of, one who had an early college class and the other that had a full day of high school ahead of him. And as for him, the rest of his paper work and for all he knew, a whole new case with a whole new victim and suspect. As much as he wanted to just lie in bed all day, he had too much to do. And with that he got dressed for work and made his way down the stairs to make breakfast for his family pretending like nothing was wrong. As he cooked he could feel his temperature rising with the heat from the stove doing nothing to help how hot he was already feeling. He plated his son's food just as his oldest Jack, came down for breakfast fully dressed for his day of school. Just as Danny started to clean things up and prepare to make breakfast for his son and turn on the pot of coffee for him and his sister, he felt a wave a nausea pass over him. He froze in place, to let it pass over him and that's when Jack noticed the shift in his father.

"Hey dad you okay?" Jack asked sincerely.

"Yeah I'm alright kiddo just a little tired," Danny excused, "Just need my coffee."

"Okay," Jack concluded not entirely trusting of his father's words, "Well I gotta head out. Thanks for breakfast dad."

"Your welcome," he told him, "Have a good day. Drive safe." And with that the 18 year old was out the door. As he cooked breakfast for his other child his sister came down the stairs in her pajamas ready for some breakfast before work.

"Morning," he told her as she walked over. 

"Hey," she replied, looking him over. His eyes were focused on the eggs he was frying on the pan in front of him, but even without him facing her, she could see he wasn't going any better. His skin was pale yet his face was flushed. And she could see small beads of sweat at the top of his forehead. He looked no better, and she was sure another day would do even more damage.

"Danny maybe you should take the day off," Erin suggested, "You don't look so good."

"Can't okay?" Danny explained to her, "Still got paper work and a pound of cases sitting in my desk drawer. Not to mention bills and tuition I got to pay. I'm working all the days I can, okay?" Just as those words left his mouth a wave of exhaustion hit him and he leaned against the counter.

"Danny," Erin stated firmly, "Go back to bed." He lifted his head and looked at her, and before he could say anything he could hear his son's feet coming down the stairs.

"It's fine Erin," Danny stated ending the conversation as his youngest son Sean walked into the kitchen. Danny handed him the plate as he put the lunch he made in his son's bag along with the books the young man left on the table. Danny grabbed his gun and everything he needed for work as his son enjoyed breakfast at the table. And Erin watched her visibly ill brother with every move. Finally, he threw his jacket on as his youngest finished, moving to grab his book bag.

"Come on let's go," Danny said to his son as the two made their way towards the door.

"Danny I'm worried about you." Erin stated finally as he headed for the door.

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