H is for Hostage Part 1

Start from the beginning

"I didn't realize your son was a hot brunette named Claudia," Baez quipped, and Danny looked to see her holding his phone and looking at his messages.

"Put that down," Danny said shyly.

"Oh and it even has hearts next to it," she continued, enjoying herself completely.

"Seriously put that down," he said taking one hand off the wheel and grabbing the phone from her hands placing it back in its holder.

"How come I've never heard of this Claudia?" Baez asked, finding it entertaining that the conversation made her normally tough and unnerved partner so nervous and shy.

"How come I still don't know the name of the guy from vice you've been dating?" Danny countered, not answering her question once again, "You have your secrets and I have mine."

"Okay fine," Maria said, surrendering and letting the topic drop. Soon, they pulled up to the bank and the detectives proceeded to enter the bank. Everything around them seemed to be business as usual, but little did they know how deceiving those looks were. Danny and Baez walked up to the front desk with their badges on display for the teller.

"Excuse me," Danny said as they approach, "I'm detective Reagan this is my partner Detective Baez. We understand that William Everett used to work here."

"Um...yeah," the bank teller said, "Why...wha...what do you mean used to?" Danny's brows furrowed at her visibly nervous behavior something Baez noticed too.

"He was found dead this morning," Baez informed her to which her reaction did not seem to change, but she was not placid either. Her nervous energy only continued throughout, even before the conversation started. She had started sweating as they walked towards her, saying there was something going on.

"Is there anything you can tell us about him?" Danny asked, keeping an eye on her as she spoke.

"I didn't know him," she answered quickly, "Really you're wasting your time asking me." Baez and Danny looked at each other, knowing very well that something wasn't right.

"Is something going on mam?" Baez asked her outright, and her nerves grew at that very question. She looked over at her coworkers who seemed just as scared as she was. But the question was at what. Where they afraid of them, or something else?

"You have to go," she whispered to them.

"What?" Danny asked confused.

"They told us not to call the police," she continued.

"Who's they?" Baez asked, but received no reply. Instead the tellers only gave more nervous glances. Danny notices one look towards the large safe and a couple tellers around them seemed to grow stiff. And that's when he got his answer. He didn't know, but the two detectives had walked themselves into an armed bank robbery. Baez noticed the light bulb that seemed to go off in her partner's head and she knew something was wrong.

"Reagan," Baez started.

"There's someone else in here," Danny voiced as he placed his hand on his gun ready to draw. But soon his body stiffened when eh felt a gun being pressed against his back. He turned and looked at his partner to see another gunman pointed another weapon at her head.

"Hands up," the gunman growled, leaving Danny and Baez no choice but to comply. The gunmen grabbed their weapons as the man who appeared to be their ringleader walked in with a gun in hand.

"What the hell's going on in here?" he asked angrily.

"Seems like these two came in to join the party," one man said.

"They're cops," the other said.

"How the hell they'd get in?!" the ring man growled, "I thought I told you to lock that damn door dumbass?! You get back here and help me! And you watch them! And somebody lock that damn door!" The one pointing the gun at Baez moved to follow the one in charge while the other locked the door with his gun pointed at the detectives.

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