Chapter 1

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"Your highness, please, come back here." I couldn't help but giggle as my wet nurse chased me through the palace gardens. I was caked in the soft dirt of one of the flower patches, the skirts of my fine gown soaked in mud. The maid shrieked as I threw my small frame into a puddle pf mud, clapped happily as I rolled around.

"My lady, your hand?" I heard the gentle, yet rough voice of my uncle, turning to face him with a grin plastered on my face.

"Uncle!" I exclaimed, gripping his hands, allowing him to help me stand from the puddle of mud. My maid rushed forward, taking me by the arm and dragging me inside and away from my uncle. I turned around to wave goodbye, expecting to find him looking at me. He had his back turned to me, hands clasped behind him. As he turned ever so slightly, I saw the scowl etched on his face and I frowned in confusion as the maid took me inside, the doors that led to the gardens slamming shut in my face. The maid took me to my rooms, hurrying me along through the hallways.

"Gods be damned, I will not let either of your parents see you like this." The maid muttered as she practically shoved me into my chambers, following me behind me quickly. She stripped me of my ruined gown, changing me into a clean shift and corset. The corsets I wore were not waisted, meant only as support for my back, to promote good posture.

The maid rushed towards my armoire, taking a new gown, this one rose colored. She dressed me quickly, lacing the dress tightly, before ushering me to my vanity and rearranging my curls atop my hair, before clipping a small diamond tiara into my hair. She slid a pair of satin slippers onto my feet before she helped me up, leading me to the door.

"Mother might have a fit, but papa would laugh." I huffed a sigh as she opened the door, leading me down the hallway and away from my chambers.

"I'd like to keep my job, please and thank you, Princess. Now, come, your parents are waiting for you in the throne room." She took my hand, pushing open a set of doors. My parents were in deep discussion as I walked into the throne room, looking up as the doors closed behind me. The maid curtsied as we approached them, smiling as she rose. "Your Majesties."

I let go of her hand, running towards my father, who took me in his arms and spun me round. I couldn't help but laugh as we spun, my mother smiling as the maid curtsied once more and left us three alone.

"Why did you ask for me?" I asked as my father set me back down on the marble floor.

"Your father taking you beyond the palace walls today, my darling," My mother reached for me and I stepped into her embrace, "There's something he wishes to show you." I turned to my father with wide eyes. He didn't often take me out of the castle, for fear of harm coming to me.

"Ready to go?" My father, dressed in a fine velvet and gold stitched coat, extended a hand to me, one that I gladly took. I nodded, taking his hand, allowing him to take me from the room.

"Yes, father." He led me to the front gates, where a carriage awaited us. My father helped me into the carriage, sitting opposite me on the fine plush benches. He gestured for the driver to go and we set off, moving underneath the gates.

"Shall I tell you where we're going, your highness?" My father smiled at me, taking my hands in his own.

"Yes, please, father." I leaned forward, begging him relentlessly.

"I'm taking you somewhere very special, because I have something to show you. I think you'll like it." I couldn't help but smile as the carriage rolled on, leaving the both of us in silence. We soon reached our destination and my father readily helped me from the carriage, setting me on the dirt covered ground carefully and gently.

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