He Needs Help

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'Hey... Hey! Kid wake up!' No I don't wanna.

'Hey Bud! Listen to us! Wake up!' ouch that hurts... feeling a heavy weight on my eyes, the constant struggle of keeping my eyes continues. Yes, I did it! What a pity victory to have but hard to accomplish in my opinion. Laying on my back just looking, looking at a plain old gray ceiling.

 'Wow what a loser.'

 "Shut up, Dikaioma."


 "You too Aristera... "

 'What? Why so grumpy this morning?'

 "Is it so bad to ask for sometime to think by myself?!"



 These guys I swear. I turn to my side as the sun shows itself in its daily routine. The birds chirp to each other I wonder what they're saying or are they just singing the same song for their entire lives? Who knows.

" You should get up"

" Hey kid. I'm sorry."

" I know"
  I get up from my mess of a bed and do what a normal person does when they start their day. I walk down the stairs to see my mom and dad. It doesn't take rocket science to see that they stayed up late with those bags under their chocolate and hazel eyes. They overwork themselves too much but they always seem to always have a happy aura regardless of their stress and lack of sleep.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 13, 2017 ⏰

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