Roses Are Red

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My head was throbbing and I couldn't remember anything. "Where am I?" I looked around, it was dark. I feel as if I'm trapped. I tried to lift myself up from the floor, trying to figure it out. All I remember is this dream. I felt something...something mushy, I quickly retract my hand and looked at them, what the hell. Blood, blood everywhere, and that mushy thing? Guts. I jumped up, extremely disgusted and I felt like puking so badly. I've just realized it but this whole room smells so foul. I couldn't hold it in any longer but something is stopping me from throwing up. Ugh, I don't wanna be here..

I saw something shiny at the door, I bend down to see what it was. The key....The key I found in my purse. At this point, I was extremely disgusted, confused and worried. I opened the door which led into a hallway. Wait, this place's layout seems exactly like my house...

It can't be right? Why would my house be filled with guts and have hallways lined with weapons? This can't be my house. I don't know where I am but this isn't my house. I took a look at the weapons in the hallway, they all look like they're made by some professional blacksmith, the details on the hilt of a sword I saw was amazing, it was a plague mask carved into it. I was truly amazed but, why would there be weapons? In self-defense I snatched the sword, a small pocket knife and a gun but then I noticed a scythe. I was thinking about taking it with me but it would a pain to carry around even though it was very intimidating.

I'm no where near trained to use any of these weapons but I just want to protect myself. I walked out further and the more I walk, the more it seemed like my house. There wasn't any furniture, just white walls stained with blood. I can't believe it. What hellhole am I in? I walked out of the house, the neighbourhood was isolated. No one on the streets, no light, no electricity, just darkness and fog. There I saw two figures in the park nearby...fighting? Who are they? I crept behind the wall that was the border between the road and the park, hoping to not be seen. I tried to get a good view of what they were doing. One of the two figures had fallen onto the floor after being flipped by the other figure. The figure on the floor was held at gunpoint. A loud bang. Left on the floor, completely lifeless. I unconsciously let out a gasp, the figure that shot the other turned over. I quickly hid behind the wall, "Please don't notice me.." I said silently to myself.

My eyes shut tightly, I felt a force pulling my hair upwards. I couldn't help but scream for help, the person grabbed me and put a hand over my mouth, forcing me to shut up. I slowly reached into my pocket, hoping to get a hold on the pocket knife from earlier. I opened it in my pocket and pulled it out, turning around and pointed it at the person's neck. The man put his arms up, letting my hair go. "Keep it down, you're going to get us found." the man said, shushing me. "So? You just killed someone!" I said, pushing the knife further into his neck. "And you're about to do the same thing if you keep pushing that knife." 
"I don't care, you just killed an innocent person, if I kill you, I would merely be killing a murderer!"
"That only makes you one too."
"Don't try to be smart with me, you have a death wish don't you?"
"Look, it looks like you're new here. You don't get it but this is the only fucking way I'm getting out of here!"
"What do you mean?"

He stayed silent.
"Answer me!" I pushed the knife even deeper, he flinched.

"You're already getting the hang of it, heh." 
"Just answer my fucking question."
"Look, this is a nightmare, I don't know how it works but apparently we aren't able to get out if everyone is alive. There can only be one survivor that gets out of this. Die here and you die in real life."
"But how can you just kill someone so easily?"
"You're doing it right now. Look, just let me go I won't try to kill you, I promise."
"I don't trust you."
"I could've just attacked you right away, but I didn't." 
"Fair point but I still don't trust you at all."
"You don't need to." 
"And that's exactly why I'm not letting you go that easily."
"Heh, already learning what to do, huh?"
With a grin, he fell to his feet, scraping his neck against my knife even more.

"Oh shit, what have I done?" I panicked, quickly kneeling down to inspect him. He was cloaked, like the figure I saw in the forest. His face with a rusty gas mask on. Where my knife was placed was a deep scar that moved upwards towards his chin. I ripped some cloth from my clot- what? What's this? A cloak? I reached up to my face, sure enough to find a mask, a plague mask. I shook my head and ripped some cloth from the cloak. I wrapped it around his neck, making sure it's secure. I sat there, hoping he'll wake up, I'm not sure why I did that since I'd be one step closer to escaping this "nightmare" if I just killed him. Maybe because I wanted answers. 

Moments later..

He groaned in pain, slowly trying to get up. "You're okay." I said quietly. "Why are you here..?" he said in a husky voice. He touched his neck where he found the cloth I had wrapped around his neck. "You did this?" he said, flinching once again in pain. 
"Well, yeah, it's an occupation thing, I can't stand watching someone hurt or in pain." 
"You're a doctor?"
"Explains the mask then."
"Your mask, it's a plague doctor mask."
"Oh, then what about your mask?"
"I'm a- well, was a chemical engineer."
"I see."

Silence fell upon us. "Uh... I don't think I caught your name." he said out of no where. "Violet. You?" 
"Flynn. Nice to meet you, I guess."
"You too.."
"What do you say we team up? I'll do the killin- sorry, I know you wouldn't like that, ignore me." "And if you get hurt, I'll patch you up? That's not a bad plan I guess."
"Do you trust me?"
"Well, please do. No one else but me, okay?"
"We'll see."

And just like that, we formed an alliance. Sure, not the best time to trust someone that easily but I've been nothing but scared at this point. I can't trust him but I really want to, I just want someone I can trust wholeheartedly right now in this nightmare. 

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