Chapter 3

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Percy looked at us. "You two know each other?"

I nodded. "We do."

Michael didn't say anything; he looked at me with a stern look, the same look that I was afraid of when he didn't see my wings he was sad but still the fact that I was here and not in heaven, he was pissed off at me. I was in a lot of trouble, and anyone who doesn't think I was has another thing coming. I shuttered. He didn't talk to me though. "We need to get these windows boarded up; you're really not going to like what is coming."

He then turned to look at me. "As for you..." He grabbed my arm. "We need to have a discussion on what your definition of "do not come here" means."

They watched as Michael took me into the back of the restaurant. "What the hell are you thinking? Didn't I tell you that I did not want you following me, I wanted you to wait in the heavens!"

"Michael you dont understand..."

"Explain to me what exactly I don't understand Cayta, my brother has decided to kill off mankind and you have done this, you have disregarded my orders and, not only is Gabriel going to come after the child but come after you. I have more people that I have to protect."

"Michael...I can take care of myself, I made it this far."

"But there is more coming!" He sighed for a moment. "I just fear for your life Cayta, and what you did was stupid."

"What I did Michael, was not for you. It was for the child, granite you came with the package but I did this for the baby."

He pulled me to him and kissed my forehead. "I do have to admit one thing, this would be a very long forever without you."

His hand rested on the back where my wings were, I didn't let him know that touching my back there was extremely painful. When he let go of me he looked at my eyes. "We have to hurry, we don't have much time."

I helped them board up the windows, making a barricade as much as I could, Michael held a board while I hammered it into the building. "You really think that this will hold them back?"

"No, but it will be a diversion." He stated. "How many guns do you have?"

"Two, one rifle and one Colt. 45."

He handed me another. "I don't know if this will help but take this last one."

I nodded.

He walked into the back to take care of something when Charlie looked at me. "You know that man?"

I nodded. "Yes I do."

"He seems a little bit over the top if you ask me."

"Yes but Michael knows best, I trust him for that."

"What exactly is going on?"

I shifted. "It is hard to explain, only Michael can really tell you what is going on."

Charlie seemed confused. "He told me not to be a hero, why?"

"Because you are carrying a child."

I looked at Bob who was talking to Michael, I heard a noise from the back of my ear drums it was far away but I couldn't tell Michael cause Bob was talking and they walked to the roof. "Alright Rambo, you got us up here, you mind telling us what the hell we are fighting?" A whimsical tune cut the silence. Bob turned and followed Michael's piercing gaze across the stretch of blackened desert. A twin pair of headlights vibrated along the broken, dirt road. I looked at Michael. "That is what I was trying to tell you. Something is coming."

"Shhh, listen. You hear what I'm hearing." Percy said, holding up his finger. The four turned in the direction of the musical jingle.

"What the hell is that?" Bob shook his head and turned on Michael, quite unable to believe what he was hearing.

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