Chapter 2

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Running was my only option, I knew where I was going to go, it was against what Michael told me, but I didn't have a choice now. I ran until I got to the balcony when I suddenly stopped, this was the entrance from heaven and earth, all I had to do was jump. "Cayta!"

I whipped around to look at him so strong, so proud, and so very stupid. "You choose to be a traitor?"

"I will not kill an innocent child Gabriel! I will not follow what you have created, my job may be over the death and lives of people but I will not kill them!"

"I ask you not to do this Cayta!" Gabriel seemed to plead with me for once, but I refused.

"You give me no choice! You made the decision to kill the one hope for humanity, you made me choose Gabriel."

"You choose to fight against me, Cayta?" His wings folded over his back.

I held my arms out to the sides. "Goodbye Gabriel."

I pushed myself off of the edge and didn't let my wings take over; I looked at Gabriel's face reaching for me as I fell to the earth, the heavens would not be a part of me anymore. The air pushed against my hair and my face as I fell like everything was getting heavier against me pushing me down to the earth I was going to leave everything behind me, my life in heaven and my bind with the angels to go and help the one man that was right.

I hit the earth at a fast rate, my body hit the ground hard. I only sat there for a moment to get my breath back. "God Michael I am so sorry."

I looked at the tattoo that was on my left wrist. I took out a knife from behind my robe, I spread my wings high and took a breath, and finally in one last swipe I cut my wings off, the bones split on my back and the nerves were split sending pain down my back, I was in uncontrollable pain, I screamed as the blood spilled, and my wings faded away. Around my neck came a blue light that took my halo and shattered it breaking my ties with heaven. When I was able to stop screaming in pain, I walked down the streets, the town was deserted.

I broke into a clothing store and stole some clothes.

I picked up a black backpack and walked out of the store going right across the street to the gun shop, I grabbed a colt .45, a rifle, and more bullets than I could imagine. I would usually use my weapon made in heaven but that will have to wait.

When I thought I had everything I needed I stole my last thing, a silver mustang. "The ten commandments say 'Thou shall not steel', they didn't say anything about when Armageddon came."

I touched the ignition making it start with whatever gift I had left and took off down the road. I just hope that my bind to Michael didn't leave me."

Michael felt a sudden pain in his chest where the tattoo was, Cayta's name was written over his heart in the Angel language, he grabbed his chest to touch it. "What the hell?"

He pulled the car over and looked at his chest where it began to glow, the name outlining then turned dull again, he feared that Gabriel had killed her for her trechery against him, but in the back of his mind he argued "He loved her just as much as I, he wouldn't kill her."

When the pain stopped he got back on the road and took off faster than before, he only hoped that nothing had happened to her, but he needed to worry about the child now.

Now I guess this is where I go back to where I sat at the Diner "Paradise Falls". I still snort at the name and I watch the peopleas they sit, I pulled in only an hour ago, Charlie sets a glass of water in front of me and asks if she could get me anything else.

"No thank you, I am just thirsty. I'm not used to the desert."

"Nobody really is, what brings you out here?"

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