Chapter Six

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Author's Note: I'm updating cause I want to, but I just don't know if I should keep posting this story. 0 comments on last chapter. Zero. And six votes. Do you guys dislike the story that much? I'm not one of those authors that begs for comments or updates based on the amount of comments, but it'd be nice to get a little feedback.

Sorry guys. Bad day. Enjoy this chapter lygsm.

Happy Ever After

Chapter Six


Warning: self harm and mental disorders. may be triggering. if this offends you, skip the part between the two asterisks (*). no offense meant to any self harmers. i know what its like, i do it myself. but this is bella's character, so it has to be in here.

Bella awoke with a start, feeling out of place and scared. She was an insomniac, true, but she'd thought she'd get more sleep than an hour and a half. A good night's sleep was three hours, because half vampires only sleep for about four to five, but the most she'd gotten in the past few years was two to two and a half.

Bella pushed herself out of bed, noting that it was still dark outside the window. She estimated it to be about four in the morning, judging by the amount of light and noise from the city around her. 

The girl threw on a dark maroon skater skirt paired with an off white long sleeve top that hugged her frame. She laced chunky gold necklaces over it. She figured she might as well try to look good, not that her ugly face and body could ever possibly be anything more than that. Ugly.

Bella knew she was not attractive. Her hair might be soft, but so what? It was too long, but she just didn't have the heart or the time to cut it. In her opinion, her eyes were too big, she was too fat (which caused her to keep starving, even though she was already deprived of food), too short, too many scars and bruises, her nose was too small, her lips weren't full, she had a nasty scar going down both her collarbone, jaw, and shoulder. The half vampire was full of flaws like that. How could she ever be pretty?

And despite what she was and what she had been through, Bella still wanted to be pretty. Every girl does, right? They want to feel pretty and good about themselves. But no one likes a girl with scars, Bella knew.

This was one of those times she wished she had parents.  She imagined it:

They would live in a nice house with all her aunts and uncles and her grandparents. Because she was half vampire, her dad would be vampire and her mom human, though she would guess she's a vampire now that they got rid of her. Right now, her dad would walk in and hug her to his chest, telling her she was his beautiful princess and that she wasn't allowed to kiss boys until she was married. Bella would laugh and her mom would lean against the doorframe, rolling her eyes, amused. 

Her aunt would bounce in, ready to take her shopping, because she would love clothes. She would be her dad's sister, not her mom's, because she's hyper and excitable. Her husband, her uncle, would be her mom's slightly older brother. He would be quiet and reserved, but was just as fun-loving and cool as her dad. 

Her grandparents would be soft, sweet, and gentle. Dad's parents, she thought. It would make more sense, since he was the older vampire. He had to be, because otherwise how would her mom have had her? And sometimes, just sometimes, Bella wondered if they missed her.

The teen shook herself out of it. Dreaming and imagining did no good. It only led to hurt. She had to stop now, before she got too deep, too emotional. The best way to avoid a broken heart is to pretend you don't have one, right?

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