Chapter Four

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Author's Note: So, this story has a total of like six readers. Could you spread the word? I'm trying to expand chapters, but is it worth it if no one is reading it? Should I cut this off before it grows into something big?

Also, I decided that I will alternate between first person and third person, depending on the scene. So, for right now, I'm in first person. Enjoy this chapter! It's a pretty important one!!

Happy Ever After

Chapter Four


I pulled into our usual parking spot, my hand intertwined with Rosalie's as I maneuvered the Jeep effortlessly. Alice and Jasper rode in the back, and we could hear them making out passionately. Normally, I would have told them to get a room, but I felt too disheartened by the passing of Bella's sixteenth birthday two days ago. This entire week would be filled with nothing but remorse. Remorse and wistfulness. 

I opened my door, making sure to keep my eyes down. Any eye contact with a girl would mean pestering and miscommunication. Though, a jealous Rose was a hot Rose...

But I didn't feel like getting laid today. Not when my baby was somewhere out in the world, suffering or worse. Or maybe she was dead, killed on the side of the road...

It hurt too much to think about, so I cleared my head, rejoining my wife at the front of the car, striding into school alongside Alice and Jasper, knowing Edward would be arriving in a few moments. 

Sure enough, we heard the distinct purr of the Volvo from a few miles away as we stepped inside the building. 

As Jasper and I sat down in English, we suddenly smelled another scent. A scent that wasn't human, nor was it vampire. 

It was both. 

How could there be a half? I'd only ever heard of one half vampire, and that had been...

No. There was no way it was her. 

I kept myself from hoping, because hoping led to broken hearts when you discovered you'd been wrong. No, no, it was better to spare myself the torture. 

And then it got stronger. It smelled a lot like blood, which was strange, because the blood smelled familiar, like I had smelled it before. Besides blood, there was a spicy, gingery scent mixed in, like fire burning with a touch of sweetness. It was an extremely appealing smell. 

That's when the door opened, and we all looked up. 

"You must be Miss Swan," Mr. Varner said kindly to the half vampire, who had yet to reveal her face to us from beneath a curtain of hip-length dark hair. "Please introduce yourself to the class. Age, hometown, the basics."

Miss Swan turned towards the class. 

Jasper and my jaws dropped wide open. 

She was a carbon copy of me. 

Her cheekbones were high, skin pale and smooth. Her eyes were a distrusting blue, the same as my human eyes had been. She was incredibly thin, looking almost sick as a wide gap between her thighs was visible through skinny jeans. Her collarbone was prominent against an open plaid flannel, an OBEY Worldwide T-shirt beneath. She stood about 5'7, and had a confident, intimidating posture. 

"Hello. I'm Bel- Isabella Swan, though I'd prefer it if you all called me Bella. I come from London, as you can most likely tell. I'm sixteen," the girl, Bella, said, her voice low and clear. She had a strong British accent that matched her fiery scent. Jasper cleared the space beside him at our table for Bella to sit down, but I was too much in a daze to notice anything. 

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