Hunter/Brandon/Ashton Rowland

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Hunters: yoooooooooo boyssssss

Y/n: bish you know I'm here too!

Hunters: right yes

Hunters deleted y/n from the groupchat

Hunters: hey guys

Brando: she's gonna murder you

Ashton: you really should know better than to delete me from a chat ~ y/n

Hunters: I know but I just need the boys for a second woman!

Ashton: she's coming to your guys room now

Y/n slams our door open and if looks could kill I'd be 6 feet under by now.

"how dare you delete me from the chat boy! what the fuck were you thinking!" she walked towards me seething.

The thing is about my twin, she's more rebellious and has had anger issues quite a lot since we were young. she only lashes out at school though, and sometimes at home so it's never really public. it's been caught on younow occasionally when she's yelling playing video games or something, but again that's it.

"well I was thinking about our birthday and how I needed to get you something, that's why I deleted you" I said reasonably calm. I could see y/n's face contort and her arms go down by her side.

"oh really?  well I already got you yours by myself should I add, you should be able to get me one without the boys help. you know me better than them anyways, you've known me since the womb"  she then strutted out of the room.

"add me back in the chat!" she yelled as I heard her foot steps go down the steps.

I dashed towards Brandon's room and texted Ashton to go there too.

"so I know what to get her, you just have to go with me" they looked at me both with one eyebrow cocked upwards. "I know you're thinking you don't need to be there but it won't look as suspicious we all go". they nodded they're heads and asked when we'd be going.

"how about now?" Ashton suggests.

"yeah that'd be good" Brandon smiled " if we go now it might not be as sus" he then proceeded to shrug.

"eh ok" we decided to get ready to go out.

*skip to shops*

"what about Pandora? she has like rings from that place or charms from that place." Brandon says as Ashton keeps looking at some girl.

"go talk to her idiot, we'll be in the shop" I nudged him towards the girl as he walked forward looking at the floor. me and Brandon were snickering all the way to the shop to buy my wonderful sisters present

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