A trip to IKEA

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"Why are we going there? Can't you think of something more, I don't know, better?" The Polish girl, who was named Julia whined while she was almost dragged by the Swedish male into the IKEA that they lived nearby. "No" was his simple answer to the girl.
Once they were in the furniture shop, he started looking at the chairs, and touching then around 'to see how well they are built' he said.
Julia was trying to get away from the death grip that the male had on her. She wasn't liking the thought of random people staring at her, while her boyfriend was almost having sex with a god damned chair. "Ber, let me go.." she said, her voice showing that she was agitated. "Not yet" the male said, and dragged her to another chair.
By the end of the day, the male had dragged the girl around and made her either sit, or touch most of the chairs in the shop. She was embarrassed at some degree, but she had to admit that she was happy to spend some time with him
But what the male did not know, what that when he would let her go, and go to another chair, she would make the furniture destroyed. She was surprised that no one stopped her tho.

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