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Overseen By: @RavenTheKitteh

Verified Member On: 5/18/2014

Roleplayed By: @Isabelle_RP

Name: Talon Connor Soer

Gender: Male

Personality: Because he has four older sisters and a well-mannered mom, he is very sweet and kind, not to mention polite to women. He makes friends with girls easily, but still has a handful of guys friends. When it comes to protecting the people he loves, Talon becomes a fearless fighter with a calm insubordinate. He also has a sweet heart for children.

Age: 17

Description: Talon is a 5'9" boy with a pretty well built body and softened tan skin. He has shaggy dark brown hair that always seems to cover his white-streaked silver eyes. He almost always wears a soft and gentle smile.

Element: Air

House: Air

Position: Student

Other: He has a single silver cut on the side of his stomach when he had a knife pressed to him at his home. He's gifted with the talent of art.

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