{3} No Good

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I have officially died of utter boredom.

No one has called, texted or even stopped by to see me.

So I lay here, watching some sh*t show, about a stupid talking dog, and contemplating about why Niall lied. If Momma Horan really is sick, why wouldn't he really be there for her instead of a bar at 12:30 in the morning? Death is no joke, even I know this. Something is telling me that he is lying, and I'm gonna find out what it is.


"Kat!" A deep voice yelled.


"Yes?" I screamed back.

"Come here, now!"



As I walked down the creaky old steps I see piles of broken glass and liquids scattered on the floor. The source obviously coming from my alcoholic of a father. Always drunk and trying to drown himself in gallons and gallons of America's finest beer and Vodka. He's a typical sob story; wife dies, can't handle the overwhelming sadness and oblivion. So, comes up with the bright idea of drinking. Luckily, he is the owner Marin Corporation, and has assistance do what he can't.

My mother was the anchor of the family, you could say. She was president of my fathers business and received high respect from many people. She helped manage money problems and directed people to deliver things. She was very independent, and that's what I admired most.

"Katherine." he says interrupting my thoughts. "Yes?" I ask just trying to avoid an actual conversation. "Pick all of this up. We are having guest over in 3 hours." he commanded. I sighed and looked for the mop and broom. "And...uh... make me some coffee and have some Advil out." he said. I don't argue; I learned not to the hard way.

Ten minutes later I cleaned the mess he made and had some Advil and a bottle of water out for him. I honestly do too much for that bull sh*t of a father. He treats me like utter sh*t and I don't deserve it.

"Daddy!" Kim called. "Yes darling." He replies.


"How are you?" she says with the biggest smile. "I'm grand Princess. How are you?"

I'm f*cking puking.

"I'm fine." She smiles. "Well I'm off to work. Bye Kimmy! Have a a nice day Katherine." He grumbles.

Okay, now I'm really pissed.

"What the hell Dad?" I scream. "What?" he asks.

Clueless bastard.

"Nothing Dad, have a nice time." I mumbled and managed to
plaster a fake smile. He placed his hand on my shoulder and rubbed it like he's trying to make me feel better.

But it just feels worst.


"So I finally build the strength to flip us over when I see nothing!" India complains and takes in a breath of cigarette smoke. "No!" I exaggerate. "Yep, nothing. No dick. I sat up thinking, 'Wow, I almost f*cked a girl.' Couldn't even tell." She said shaking her head in disgust. "So you couldn't see any boobs, nothing?" I asked as I took yet another in take of smoke. "No, guess she was really flat chested." She laughed and squished her left over cigarette on a near by ash tray. I returned a slight chuckle and followed my best friend into the mall.

"I'm hungry." I spoke gesturing to my rumbling stomach. "That's fine, we'll go to McDonalds now." she said pointing to the red and yellow counter.

"Hi, welcome to McDonalds," the blonde lady greeted. "How may I help you?" "Yeah I'm gonna have a Big Mac with ketchup, tomatoes, and no onions." India ordered knowing exactly what she wants. "And my friend here wants the exact same." She grins looking the blonde in the eye. God, I hate when she orders for me.

"I actually want a Fish Fill A." I corrected, and slightly glanced at India. Her head immediately looked at me. "No you won't." she snapped. I let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, I do. Problem?" I said feeling brave. She glared at me, a mean look on her face telling me 'shut up.' "Don't talk to me like that Katherine." She spoke with poison in her voice.

"I didn't ask for you to order for me, what if I didn't want that." It's hard being a secret vegetarian. Especially when you are such a badass like me. "Ugh, whatever just hurry with the order." She yells at the poor lady. I give the cashier a quick smile and walk away.

"Katherine!" she shouts.

"Coming." I respond instantly regretting it.


sorry for the slow update :(

but it's summer now, so lots more :)


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