How To #9 - Tell Senpai You Like Him Without Words

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Part Two of Three:
Giving Subtle Hints

Become friends. One way to show the guy you like him is to try to be his friend. As long as you don't get into the friend zone, this will show that you're taking a real interest in him. Ask him questions about his life, share his interests, and just spend some time around him, whether you're working on a group project or hanging out with friends. Just make sure he doesn't see you as a kid sister or one of the guys, and don't fall into the role of the person who hears about his romantic troubles.
Becoming his friend will show him that you want to get closer to him. This can be a great way to show him you like him, especially if you don't have many other guy friends.
Take it slow. If you don't know him very well, start with a simple conversation and work your way up to hanging out.

Don't show off. If you want to tell your crush you like him, then you should show him that you're comfortable being yourself around him. If you find yourself bragging, talking about how great you are, telling exaggerated stories for laughs, or just doing something that doesn't feel like you, then this won't win your crush over. He'll be more likely to think you have a real interest in him if you're being yourself, opening up, and talking about your interests or your friends.
Remember that, in the end, you want a guy who likes you for who you are. You don't want him to like you for being someone else, because that will make it hard to start a real relationship while staying true to who you are.

Give him a small gift. A small gift can be a simple way to show your crush that you like him without coming on too strong. Simply get him something he's mentioned or something you think he would like, such as a book or a CD. You can also be silly and get him something more practical, like a pack of pencils because you noticed that he never remembers to bring a pencil to class. You can write him a short note along with the gift and give it to him in person or leave it on his desk.
Of course, this works best if you know him and are already friends; if you've never met, then giving him a gift may overwhelm him a little.

Ask him questions to show that you care. One way to tell your crush you like him is to show a genuine interest in him. To do this, you should simply ask him questions about his life and make an effort to really listen to the answers instead of planning your next move. Ask him about his weekend plans, his favorite sports teams, his school activities, his friends, or his favorite bands or movie stars to get a conversation going; this will show that you care about him as a person, and that you may have a little crush on him as well.
You can also ask him about his pets, his favorite movies, or his favorite things to do for fun.
Just make sure not to ask too many personal questions at first or he may get uncomfortable.
Make sure to share stuff about yourself too; you don't want to sound like you're interrogating him.

Tease him. Your crush will start to see that you like him if you start teasing him a bit. You don't need to lay it on too thick to get the message across; just playfully tease him about his new haircut, his favorite sports team (especially if the team keeps losing), his obsession with his favorite band, or other things you know he won't take too personally. This shows that you like him enough to engage him in a fun, lighthearted conversation.
Just make sure he knows you're teasing and that he takes it well. He may be too sensitive about his favorite sports team, for example, to think there's anything funny about the fact that they keep losing.
Let him see that you don't tease just anybody. If he thinks that you tease all of his friends, too, then he won't see that he's special to you.

Help him out. Your crush will suspect that you like him if you start helping him out. You don't need to go too far out of your way to help him, but making just a few small gestures can show him that you really do have a special interest in him. This can mean picking up his homework for him when he's home sick, letting him borrow a textbook, or answering some questions that he may have. This can be a great way to show him you care as long as he doesn't take advantage of you.
Ideally, he should find a way to help you out, too. You don't want him to think that you'll just be there at his beck and call.
Look for ways that you can help him; he may be too shy to do something like ask for him with the math homework, but you can offer to do it and see what he says.

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