Sally's p.o.v.

Everyone was so tired, I could see it in their eyes through the IM, all of them just so drained and screaming that they were struggling even though they kept quiet.

"...and that's pretty much all that's been happening are you listening?..." said Percy snaping me out of my trance.

"Yeah, sorry baby, I just zoned out" I said with a small smile for him not to worry.

"Sally, are you okay?" Asked Nico with a mix of worry and suspicion in his voice, it took me a good long time for him to finally call me Sally and not Mrs Jackson, I'm still trying with everyone else.

"Yeah don't worry kids" Percy seemed to notice something was up with me as he tilted his head slightly to the side, such a subtle moment that it could be overseen by anyone except for me, being the only traces of my little boy still existing and not that forced to be soldier and war commander "I just have an idea"

"What idea Mrs Jackson?" Asked Jason who sat on the floor of the Poseidon cabin, with piper in her lap while Percy was behind him sitting in his bed with Annabeth by his side and Nico at his other side. Frank and Hazel were beside Jason and Piper on the exact same position with Hazel in Frank's lap and then the only visible part of Leo and Thalia were their heads as they were hanging upside down from the top bunk of Percy's bed.

"What if you all come here and spend the weekend, it looks like you could use the rest and Paul and I miss you baby"

"I don't know if we can do that mom..." It was a mom super power to get Percy to blush under 0.3 seconds. I gave birth to him, I can embarrass him! I'm his mother! "We'll have to talk to Chiron about it and..."

"Well, I already talked with Chiron and he said it was fine, so..."

"Wait, you got all this already planned!" Said Nico pointing at me through the mist.

"Well, of course Neeks, I'm a mom, that's what I do" I said innocently and they laughed as Percy gave a defeated sigh.

"Okay mom, we're going this weekend" that little spark in his eyes made worth every effort I put into convincing Chiron.

"Perfect, then I'll be here waiting for you, Paul will pick you up"

"No! Paul always try to embarrass me!"

"I'm a parent Perce, that's my job" said Paul coming out of the kitchen with two cups of coffee and I saw Annabeth kissing Percy's cheek as he pouted and everyone laughed.

"I'll pick you up Saturday morning, be ready" said Paul and the kids nodded and said their goodbyes.

"Do you think they're fine?" The question was simple yet so complex, were they fine?

"No, but they're going to be" I said to my husband grabbing the cup he was handing me.

"Mama bear will make sure of that" he laughed taking a sip of coffee.

"Oh, shut up" I tossed a napkin at him playfully "Mama bear will do what needs to be done".

Okay, short I know but it's just kind of the introduction, just keep reading for the good stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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