Day Nine

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(This one isn't very Christmasy, but it's February so that's not important anymore. Sorry I'm a procrastinator. I temporarily lost inspiration... for a month. But I couldn't leave this unfinished 'cause it makes me feel bad.)

Spot stood with his face pressed against the glass window pane; his eyes trying to take in all of the brightly painted toys on display. Antonio stood next to him, his nose smudging the glass.

Their breath fogged up the display window. Antonio huffed as he impatiently cleared it with his sleeve, then he resumed his eager position.

"Sean! Look at that train!" He breathed, eyes sparkling with excitement.

Spot did and felt his eyes widen in awe. It was very possibly the most glorious toy train the seven year old had ever seen in his life--and probably the most expensive too.

"It's for a rich kid, Tony."

"Says who?" Tony asked, puffing out his chest. "If I want it I can have it. It don't matter how much money I gots."

Tony paused, shooting another look at the train, and bit his lip. "How much do you think it is?"

Spot scanned the tin toy and rubbed his chin like he'd seen his father do so many times. "Looks like a Clockwork train to me."

"A what?"

"You know! The kind that moves without you movin' it!"

"Oh," Tony nodded. "A 'canical train."

"It's probably two or three dollars."

"Two or three?" Tony exclaimed.

Spot shrugged. "At least."

"Man," Tony sighed, stuffing his hands into his pockets with an annoyed 'humph'. "Either theyse crazy or you is, and I sure hope it ain't you 'cause we're friends."

"It's okay," Spot patted his friend's shoulder. "If I ever gets rich, I'll buy you one."

"Really?" Tony brightened at the thought.

"Really! I'll swear it!"

"You better not be kidding, Sean," Tony warned as he cocked an eyebrow and pursed his lips--an expression that Sean recognized as the look Mrs. Higgins gave Tony when he and Spot got in trouble.

"I ain't! It's Sunday! You can't lie on a Sunday."

Tony seemed comforted by that thought and grabbed Spot's arm, dragging him away from the window.

"Where are we going?"

"My house!" Tony grinned.

"But I gotta go back to the lodge!"

"Forget about that place! Tomorrow's Christmas and Mamma's makin' panettone!"

"What's that?"

"You'll see!" At Spot's nervous look Tony rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, it's real good!"

When they got close to the tenement where the Higgins' lived Tony broke into a sprint. Spot followed, hot on his heels. It was getting dark and both boys were terrified of being left alone when the sun disappeared and the streets went black; especially in this part of the city.

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