Bigger on the Inside ~a Dr. Who fanfic~ 7

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"If you are so desparate to stay alive, why don't you live a little?" -The Doctor

"Chris," I whispered as loud as I dared to. The dinosaur had come minutes after we had found them cowering up a tree, and it was a hungry lil' thing.

OK, not so little. It was three times my height (I'm pretty tall) and looked like a T-Rex with even more of an attitude and spikes on his back.

The Doctor told me that it was an Allosaurus, a carnivorous predator adapted to running. It would surprise his prey by getting up close then making the kill, as it didn't have a strong bite. The Doctor did warn me it could kill the huge long necked dinos we saw at the lake, as well as the stegosaurus. Thanks Doc.

When we found them, we barely had time for hugs and explaining before we heard the sound of twigs snapping. We ran, but Chris and the Doctor had gotten separated from Matt, Pansy, and me after the Doctor told me about the Allosaurus.

Matt and I crouched underneath an overhanging rock perched on a hill. I was holding Pansey's mouth shut so she wouldn't yowl.

"Chris," I repeated.

"What's going on?!" Matt whispered. I shushed him and risked a look around the boulder. I was met with the sight of dino-butt. The head it belonged to was sniffing the air about 25 ft away.

I silently pulled back around the other side of the boulder. I made hand motions to show Matt what was going on. He sort of nod-shook his head. I rolled my eyes.

"The dino is right out there facing the opposite direction. Chris and the Doctor are most likely over there. I'm going to see who it smells first," I whispered. I handed him Pansy and looked around the side of the boulder.

The Allosaurus was still sniffing the air. It paused. I flinched and held my breath. Then it looked at me. I didn't dare move. The thing turned and lumbered slowly over to where I crouched. I could smell his rotten-meat breath and feel my heart hammering inside my chest so loud I was surprized it didn't give me away.

Mr. A (I'm gonna call him that) sniffed me. I stiffened. He backed away. What now? Is this some clever Dinosaur trick? He sniffed the air again and took off running. He lept over the boulder we were hiding under and headed down the slope. He made the ground shake. I waited for the sound to recede before I moved again. I sighed and headed under the boulder again. Matt was sitting there petrified and when he saw me his face grew as white as a sheet.

"Y-you didn't die, unless you're a g-ghost," He believed in the paranormal.

"I'm most definently not a ghost and the Mr. A didn't eat me. Don't ask who that is. It's an inside joke." Inside my mind I was cracking up, but I kept a straight face for Matt. He nodded and handed Pansy back to me. She squirmed but I managed to hold her. She would never squirm for Chris.

Chris and the Doctor weren't here. Mr. A smelled something. Mr. A was after food. Chris and the Doctor would be good food. I groaned. How were supposed to get out of this all alive without sacrificing someone?

I handed Pansy back to Matt. "Keep her safe. Yell for help. If you hear the Hunger Games song, whistle back, because then I'm lost, OK?"

"I can't whistle." Pansy squirmed again.

"Then do what I do," I sang the tune with a "Doo, doo, doo, doo," and made the three fingered sign. Then I smiled, turned, and jogged down the hill.

I made it about the length of Mr. A before the bushes ahead of me started rustling. I froze. Louder. Louder...

And the Doctor came running out dragging Chris behind him. He saw me.

"Run Cat!" The Doctor yelled, and the three of us took off. Behind us, I could hear Mr. A roaring. The ground started shaking again. No, no, no, no, no, NO. None of us were going to get out of this alive. I tripped and skinned my knee. The Doctor grabbed me and pulled me along. "Stop tripping," he snapped.

"Well I'm soooooory that I'm not used to running uphill," I snapped back. We ran to the boulder and grabbed Matt and Pansy and tugged them along with us.

"Where exactly are we running to?!" I yelled as Mr. A roared again, this time closer and louder.

"The TARDIS!" The Doctor yelled back.

"Where is she?"

"Where you need her to be." He replied.

Just as he said it, the TARDIS' familiar blue shape started appearing ten feet away. We were running so fast that I was afraid we were going to run through it.

"Go into the blue box," I instructed Chris and Matt. They nodded slightly.

The rumbling stopped and Mr. A roared. I stopped and turned around, just a few inches from the TARDIS while everyone else ran inside.

Mr. A was standing a few feet away, gowling and clawing at some sort of invisible force.

"What is it?" I whispered. I backed up into the TARDIS. "Why can't you come closer?"

The door behind me opened and the Doctor pulled me in.

"What are you doing?! The TARDIS' sheilds haven't been holding up as good recently, which is why we should get going. What if they collapsed for a second and the dinosaur ate you?!"

"Doctor-" I started.

"What if they collapsed and you were locked outside?!"

"Doctor!" I said louder.

"What if-"

"Doctor!!"I yelled.

"What?!" He yelled back.

"I'm here, so I'm not dead. Where is Chris, Matt and Pansy?" I asked.

He sighed. "Chris and Matt have been showed to their room, and Pansy is in a special room for cats, full of tuna and mice dangling from the celing."

I nodded. "Can I go see them?"

He gestured for me to follow him, and we went back into the TARDIS. Their rooms were close to the control room, so we didn't have to go far.

We stopped at a red door. "Here's Chris' room. Are you sure you're OK?" He was getting too concerned.

"I'm fine, except I skinned my leg back there." I looked down at my knee. There was nothing there. I mean, my knee was there, but there was no scrape. My knee looked flawless, if I do say so myself.

"Erm... nevermind!" I laughed nervously. The Doctor looked at me the same way that he did when I wasn't killed by the birds.

"Wha-" he started, but I was already in my brother's room trying to explain what was going on.

But I couldn't explain everything.

Dun dun dun!!!! Thanks for over 100 reads! It's more than I thought I was going to get 😂. Yeah, so I'll update when I can, but I need ideas, so highlight this paragraph and select comment PLZ!! Thank you ;).


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