Chapter 4

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"I'm a child of Apollo sweetheart."


"And Percy here is a child of Poseidon, yes? Like I said, I was doing this for his mother. I know all these things. Who's your godly parent then dear?"

"Umm, Athena."

"Well that's an interesting combo. Athena and Poseidon huh."


"Okay well, there are two in there so-"

"What?!?" Annabeth screamed.

"Two babies. Would you like to know the genders?" Martha said.

"Hold on. Two?" Annabeth asked double checking.

"Yes! You're having twins. Duh."

Percy smiled at Annabeth, "You okay wise girl?"

Her face was a mix of fear, surprise and happiness. "Yeah, I'm fine. What were you saying about gender?"

"I can tell you, if you like?"

"Yes please."

Martha put some blue gel on Annabeth's stomach. She rubbed around a device and looked at a small screen. "Well it looks like one girl, and a boy."

Percy grinned. "So this is real? I'm a dad?"

"Yes Mr. Jackson, you are a dad."

When the appointment was over, they called Frank to come pick them up. They drove to the Grace house. When they got there, they found Piper, and their baby.

"Do you have a name yet?" Annabeth smiled.

"Yes. Meet Thea Ember Grace."

"Perfect!" Hazel cried and tickled the baby.

"That's beautiful." Annabeth said, " And Percy and I have to tell you guys something too."

"So, Annabeth is- pregnant!" Percy said gleefully.

"With twins! A boy and girl!" Annabeth added.

The whole room erupted in congratulations, until Piper said, "Everyone shush! Thea is sleeping! Annabeth, when are you due?"

"Some time at the end of December or beginning January."

"So soon!"


"Hey Percy," Jason smiled, "Good luck my friend."

"Did you agree on names yet?"

Annabeth glanced at Percy, "I think we have some ideas,"

"Tell us?"

"Nope! It's a surprise."

"Awww come on!"

Just then, a hiss rang through the house. "Guessing that wasn't Thea?" Jason asked.

"Nope. Sounds like dresina," Percy said.

"Hate those suckers," Hazel said.

"Same," Percy agreed.

Percy uncapped Riptide and Annabeth drew her dagger. They waited, tense and ready to spring into action.

Then horrible music blasted their eardrums. Leo and Calypso stroud in. They were riding a dresina.

"Leo! What the hell!" Percy shouted

"Sup waterboy. Sorry to scare you," Leo said.

"You didn't-"

"Look, Percy, my friend! I understand. Leo McShizzle Supreme is pretty intimidating, but there is no need for swords."

"That's not-"

"It's okay. We're all friends here. You can let down your guard with us. You are intimidated by Me and Jason and Frank and feel like you're nothing."

"Leo, water [Precy] conducts electricity [Jason]. Frank can transform into water animals. You, well, water puts fire out soooo."

"I'll just steal Annabeth from you."

"Problem is, she's pregnant with our kids, sooooooooooooo."

"Then maybe if I steal Riptide-"

"It will just return to my pocket, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

"Then I'll dump gasoline on your head and then blast a column of flames at you."

"And I would judo flip you before you killed my boyfriend," Annabeth intervened.

"Hey now you're ganging up on me, that isn't fair!"

Everyone laughed.

"So what's this about being pregnant. Percy you bad little cupcake," he said in a Coach Hedge impression.

"Annabeth and I are having twins, a boy and girl," Percy said in a proud voice.

"That's funny because Calypso and I-"

"What?!?" Percy shouted

"Nah, just kidding man. Your face though!"

"Not funny Leo."

"So this is the little Jiper baby huh?"

"Jiper?" Jason asked

"Your ship name. Duh. Jason and Piper."

"Um, okay?"

Percy and Annabeth -- After CHBحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن