Chapter 2

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John walks around the counter, takes the money that he's earned, locks the door, turns the sign to close. He motions up the stairs where he resigns for the night. John lays down and stares off into the abyss. He cannot but wonder why did his mother hate him so much. John rolls over and pulls a picture of her out of his wallet. She was a short brown haired woman with a stiff stone look upon her face. A tear rolls off his face as he wipes it away. He puts the picture back and goes to sleep.
The next day Rick walks through the door
"Hey buddy Did you like that fellow that I sent by here?"
"He's a character." Rick pulls a cigar out and lites it and says
"Makes you wonder if he has a couple of those killing machine at his place." John wipes down the counter and says "I don't know and I surely don't want to know.I have to get down to the hardware store before they close I have to get a new blade for the cutting machine." Rick shrugs his shoulders and says
"See ya later mack." And mosques down the road. John looks up and walks a couple blocks down. The wind was howling John stuck his monstrous beefy hands in his pockets as he slowly motions into the hardware store looking both ways before easing in the doorway.
"John its been awhile. How have you been?" Bill yelled. Bill Fisher, a tall thin man that had a red and white striped shirt on with coveralls on. John said
"Hey that wind could almost kill a man." He paused and let out a fake sarcastic laugh.
"Um yeah I guess so. So what are you looking for on this fine day?"
" I'm looking for a thick blade thats about three feet long and two inches thick. I need to chop up some meat for a guy name uh..." Bill laughed
" I get it you need a big blade. I don't have it here but I can order you one it'll take about a week but I can get it for almost nothing for you."
"Yeah that's fine. Ill see you in a week." John walks out Bill stands there and shakes his head and mubbles
"What a big oath.".
John walks back and says
"Oh my brother needs some lumber and about twelve feet of rope." Bill laughs and says
"Ill put it on the list buddy." Bill puts a fake smile on his face as John walks out. As John walks out he bumps into someone and knocks them to the ground and says
"Hey watch wher-" and sees its the young lady from yesterday. He helps her up and says "I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there." She looks at him and says
" Its quite alright."
"I'm sorry and forgive me if I may be to modest to ask of your name." She blushes and says
"Mary...Mary Kay." He slowly motions for her hand and kisses it and says "Miss Kay its a pleasure to meet you." She blushes once more and says
"You as well." She starts to walk away and John says
"Mary would you like to go out to dinner with me?"
"I-I don't know. I'm sorry." She scurries away like rats to a sewage drain. John stands there his face turns red with rage as he stomps off to the meat market. His face radiates heat like an oven on a warm day. John steadily mubbling clinching his fist and says
"She better go to dinner with me!" He opens the door to the market and slams it furiously as the sunset fell on this windy blue day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2017 ⏰

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