Chapter 2

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Ari's POV

I walked in my apartment and sat down on my couch and put my head in my hands and sighed. I'm sick of this job. I'm sick of people judging and/or using me. It gets tiring.

I got up to pick up around my house when my phone started ringing. I picked it up seeing an unknown number.

"Hello? Who is this?" I say picking up Buckyball from his spot in the couch.

"Hey Ari, its TJ. The guy who took you home last night. I was making sure you got home safely." He said. He sounded happier than he did last night.

"Oh thank you. I made it home. I didn't realize my apartment was half way across town." I say laughing at the end. I walk to the kitchen and take out a grape crush. Don't judge me.

"I would've given you a ride if you asked. That made me sound like a dick. Next time I am driving you home." He said which made me smile. All of the other guys always dropped me off in the slums. On the wrong side of town.

"That'd be nice. Thank you." I say getting ready for my day job at Walmart. I get pretty good pay there. I might quit the club job and work full time there.

"Ari, are you okay? You seem distant." TJ asks.

"Mhmm" I hum. If I say anything my voice will crack and I will break. I've been thinking about Jacky a lot and how he just up and left like he did.

"I'm coming over." He said. He doesn't even know where I live.

"I thought you guys were going on tour." I say.

"We don't have to leave until tomorrow. Where do you live?" He asked. I gave him my address and he said he was on his way.

About 30 minutes later I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and TJ and Kevin were standing there.

"When you said you had a hot girl over I didn't think she would be this hot." Kevin said smirking. I felt my eyes widen.

"Don't be a pervert dude. It's not cool." TJ said playfully hitting Kevin. Kevin shrugged it off and laughed.

"Yeah.... come on in I guess." I mumble looking down at the floor. Next thing I know, TJ is hugging me.

"Are you sure you're okay? I care about you you know that right?" TJ said squeezing harder. I nodded.

"I'm thinking about quitting the strip club. I don't get a whole lot for working. I make more at Walmart." I say smiling. I invite them in and get them drinks.

"Wait, did you say you worked at a strip club?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah why?" I ask looking at him. He looks like he's scheming something. He leans over and says something to TJ that makes him turn and hit Kevin upside the head.

I turn my back and walk to my  room and grab my stupid outfit that I used to wear for my job, I walked back and threw it at Kevin.

"Keep it. I don't need it. I'm done." I say smiling.

I call Vinny my boss and told him I quit and hung up. He'll try to plead me back to working there. I don't want to work there. I walk back to the boys and see that they are engrossed in my refrigerator.

"Like my refrigerator?" I ask laughing at them and walk by and smack them on the butt, hard. Their reactions made me laugh harder. It was pretty funny. Kevin fell and TJ hit his head on the fridge. 

"You're mean." Kevin said rubbing his ass.

"You started raiding my refrigerator. What did you expect?" I say shrugging.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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