-Chapter 2

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My chest was heaving now. I don’t know what came over me, but I smashed the glass of the payphone box with my fist in anger. Tears ran down my face. Why wouldn’t he pick up? Did he not answer to private numbers? I was about to give up when I heard Anthony’s voice on the voicemail. This cheered me up a bit, knowing the number was still his. I listened to this voice as I sobbed and waited for the message tone.

“Hi Anthony, its Ian.” I said into the phone, trying to hide my sobs.  “I was just wondering if you could give me a call. You still remember my number, I know you do.” I said cheekily and hung up. I tried to incorporate some of my old humor into the message for him, so he’d recognize me.

   I was an entirely different person now. My short black hair replaced my bowl cut, but I still had the same facial hair. I’d also lost a lot of weight. I was so out of it over the years, I forgot to feed myself.

  Anthony has probably changed too. I try to imagine what he might look like. He would have probably matured considerably since seeing me last. He was mature anyway, it’s just we used to mess around a lot. I’m also guessing he wouldn’t have the emo flap anymore.

  I look down, to see blood dripping out of my hand. It scares me at first, but I get used to it. I then notice what a mess I’ve made. Blood was smeared all over the payphone and the sidewalk, and glass was everywhere. I could get in big trouble for this, but I didn’t really care. I got in my car and sped off.

   I arrived home just as the sun was setting. I can’t really recall what happened in the last few hours. All I remember is noticing blood dripping all over my clothes while driving. I started to feel dizzy so I pulled over and passed out. I awoke a few hours later and my knuckles had stopped bleeding, but there was even more blood. I should probably go to the hospital, but the last thing I want is to be poked and prodded by doctors. They’d

find out that I’m a lunatic and I’d have to go to a psychologist or something. No thanks. 

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