As her mind knew , its wrong to have a relationship with another man than her husband but her heart cries for that care which she longed for her. His hands covering her protectively like shield from this world was new to her. She also know that he gonna throw her out once his lust on her body gets complete and what will she do after that. Everyone will come to know about this and will raise a word against her character. But this feeling , which she never got in her life from her parents nor her husband made her not to stop him.

Pragya felt abhi's hand moving around her waist and she gets fear of what he will think of their position. Will he listen to her with patience , it is going to be a big no..!!

She looked at him again adjusting herself in his arms tracing his chest slightly. He looked perfectly fit and muscular having a numerous scars that gleamed in the shimmering light of the sun. His face was stiffen and had lines shirking on his forehead.

Pragya looked beneath the clock and it was 6:40 am. She had forgotten completly about her family in abhi's thoughts. Now what she gonna reply to them. She got down from the bed carefully not disturbing him and thought how to exit when the door is closed. She tried once again and it was open.

' strange... It is it's possible ..? ' pragya thought while opening the door . Her heart longed to see abhi , she turned back to see him peacefully . She took a deep breath and slightly closed the door and left from there.

After some time abhi opened his eyes , he felt a heavy headache while he adjusted himself on the bed. He tried to remember what happened yesterday and slowly everything comes into his mind. The mumbled frail voice, her pleads flashed infront of him.

How did he behaved with her like that. He had never felt like this with anyone and never compelled a girl to be his partner. How much she pleaded him ..? But why didn't he let her go ..? Why his heart feels the pain when he thinks about her cries.

He saw tanu sitting before him with a smile. He pulled the sheets towards his chest and wondered what she is doing here.

" well done Mr. Mehra .. you rejected me and now having an affair with that third class cheap girl.. come on.. choose on your standards. How could you do this..? So that's why you ditched me..? " she asked fuming in anger.

" it was you who left me.. so you have no rights to question me and I have no time to answer you.. so will you please move out from here.." abhi muttered and grits his teeth while tanu gave him a quick evil look.

" Mark my words Mr . Mehra..that pragya is married and she have no importance for you in her life.." she said and moved from there.

The word ' married ' raised his anger and he gets ready to meet her in office.

' Did she stayed with me yesterday for money..? Yeah.. she would have left if I compelled her. I was not in my senses but she was ... then what made her to do like this.. if my thoughts comes true.. I will not leave her ..'

In prgaya's home..

Pragya thanked god as her family members were asleep when she entered inside the home. She quickly gets into her room and locked it.

' no...I am not going to continue in that office from tomorrow.. how can i meet abhi.. what he will think about me.. i will look for other job . Better I will message bulbul..' pragya thought and took her mobile.

' please don't forget to bring that green file pragya.. we have an important presentation today..' she saw bulbul's message and thought what to do now. She have to hand over it because it's really important for bulbul's career. She could not spoil it for her own personal issues.

At the same time , she have to go there. If she enters the office, she have to meet abhi. What she will do now?

In abhi's office

Abhi's anger raised when he didn't find pragya inside the office. He asked the manager and he said that she didn't leave any message today.

' how dare she..? She is making this Abhishek Mehra to wait for her.. who cares that I am worried about her..? I want her explanation ..! ! Why did she did that to me.. ? ' her voice kept ringing in his mind.

' Abhishek sir..' but it didn't look like she took my state as an advantage.. but how can i find it..?

Why it is confusing me..? Why my heart says that she was pushed to that state..did i forced her..? But wait.. I didn't had my drinks yesterday then how I felt dizzy..? Strange..!! '

Pragya entrtdd bulbul's cabin. She was not ready to meet abhi , hence giving the file to her and leaving was in pragya's mind.

" thank god.. you came..are you alright..? Looks like you had worked full night ..? " bulbul teased her seeing the puffy eyes of pragya . She covered her worries with the fake smile and nods her head " i am not feeling well.. I came here to give this file to you.. I am leaving now.. " prgaya said but bulbul stopped her.

" what ..? You are not okay..? I was just joking with you and I am really sorry.." bulbul said forwarding her hand towards pragya's fore head. She was having high temperature and bulbul worried for her.

" pragya.. let's go to the hospital.." bulbul said taking her mobile and purse but pragya stopped her.

" its your dream project..I know how much you have worked for it. So concentrate only on it.. I will take care of myself.. do well.." Pragya said and hugged her. She doesnt know why she feel so attached with bulbul maybe finding a better way to hide her sorrow .

" alright.. but take care of yourself too.." bulbul broke the hug and got a call. She gestured as purab and waved bye to pragya leaving from there. Pragya was happy for bulbul and purab , and thought she might have been happy if she had got a loving husband.

Pragya didn't dare to look at abhi's cabin and leaves from there. She felt tired as her whole body ached , she could not get back to home as they will start to ask questions so pragya thought to rest in a park , which is her favourite place.

In abhi's cabin...

" bhai..I am ready and all our investors are present in the meeting room.. shall we leave.." bulbul asked and abhi looked at her.

" yeah we can..and where is pragya..? "Abhi asked while purab and bulbul checking through the files.

" she will not come today bhai..She is not feeling well..." bulbul said .

" did she informed you..? " abhi asked her doubtfully.

" yeah.. She came to give this file and really she was not feeling well.." bulbul said increasing abhi's anger.

'She had time to meet her but not me.. is she thinking that I could not live without her.. sure there is something wrong in her..'

Abhi took his car keys and wallet and gets up from his chair.

" bhai..where you are leaving...? " purab asked and abhi said " i am not feeling well.. you take care of this meeting.. or cancel it.. now i want to be alone .." Abhi said moving from there.

" what happened to him..? " purab asked bulbul seeing restless abhi who gave him the same reaction.

To be continued..

By aditi..

Will pragya and Abhi unite ?

What will happen if abhi comes to know about pragya's life..?

Is there any mistery behind her...?

Keep guessing. ...

His Mistress (Completed ✔)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora