chapter thirty four

Start from the beginning

"No." I said. "Please. I'll be out in a second."

Lex winked at me, and before I could stop him he pressed a quick kiss to my open mouth. I choked, swatting his arm as he pulled away.

"Out!" I protested.

I locked the door behind him, something I hadn't done before. My cheeks felt hot and I knew I was blushing furiously. I got dressed as quickly as possible, relief filling me as I slid into the large shirt. It covered me almost to my knees, and in a moment of strange conviction, I left the blue silk shorts on the counter, untouched. I was too hot for them, anyways, I told myself. I was fine in the soft white underwear I had on.

I cracked the door open. Lex was sprawled on the bed, reading a beat up paperback. His phone was buzzing silently on the cover next to hi, and he absentmindedly tossed it across the room.

"Be careful," I said, leaning against the doorframe. "Those are expensive. You might not be able to afford another."

Lex sat up, putting him book facedown on the bed.. He swung his legs over the side, and waved me over to him. I padded over, and loosely wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You smell like cherries." He said. "It's sweet."

"It's the bubble bath you got me."

Lex picked up my good hand and kissed it.

"You're sure you want to stay in here tonight?" He asked suddenly, his face drawing straight. "It's alright if you need space. I wouldn't blame you in the least."

I squeezed my eyes closed, shaking the image of Alistair's angry face from my mind. What Lex had done-that had been for my own good. He had good-if not pure-intentions. Alistair had only ever wanted to use me for his own gain.

"I'll have nightmares." I whispered. "They'll be worse tonight. I don't think I could sleep alone, even if I wanted to."

Lex settled his arms around my waist, drawing me closer. I rested my forehead against his, closing my eyes. I felt safe for the first time in ages. It was like returning home after a car crash; the noise had faded into the background. All that was left were the residual injuries and shaky nerves.

"Mmm. Good. Two nights without you was far too long." Lex hummed. "Perhaps I should keep you up all night. You can sleep in my office tomorrow."

"Then you'll be tired." I pointed out. "And I'm sure you have a lot of work to do, cause you missed so much."

I stifled a yawn, and Lex raised an eyebrow at me.

"Hold on."


Lex tightened his grip on my waist, and all but tossed me onto the bed. I shrieked, holding onto his neck. I landed on the pillows, bouncing slightly. I inhaled sharply, trying to keep myself from yawning again. Lex noticed, and he knelt over me, a sly smile growing on his face.

"Do you want to sleep? I don't mind keeping you up." His face was inches from mine, his weight resting on his forearms, on either side of my head. My heart rate picked up, all sense of calm from seconds before dissipating.

"I don't know." I pretended to be indecisive. "I do want to sleep. I don't know if you can keep me awake."

"Cheeky." Lex said. "Watch yourself."

I swallowed a smile, my stomach tightening as I held in a laugh. I winced a little as my ribs twinged, still sore from the beating they had taken only days before.

"Hand? Ribs? Leg? Head? Arm?" Lex asked, pulling away. I actually laughed then, as he catalogued my many injuries.

"Ribs. Just a bit." I sat up. "They're still massively bruised. Want to see?"

Forgetting I had foregone shorts, I pulled the hem up my shirt upwards, revealing the blackened skin in my torso. Realizing too late what I had done, I let go, feeling my cheeks redden. Before I could say anything, cool fingers found their way under my shirt, pressing against the heated skin of my back. Fingertips fit perfectly between the notches of my spine, like they were meant to be there. I was pressed against Lex's chest now, my head resting in the crook of his neck. In a quick, fluid motion, he drew his arms upwards, bringing my shirt over my head and tossing it to the floor.

I looked up at him through my eyelashes, feeling incredibly vulnerable. I was in nothing but a soft pink bralette and my white underwear, while he sat in front of me fully dressed, sweater and all. My gut fluttered, but I made no move to retrieve my shirt.

"So bashful." Lex murmured to me, tracing along my collarbone. "So beautiful."

I could not form words, so I just stared at him, blinking rapidly. He smiled, his thumb resting against my bottom lip, dragging it down.

"Say something." He prompted me. "Or maybe we should just sleep?"

"No!" I burst out. "I want to stay awake longer." I looked down at my hands, one casted in white plaster. Tucking my drying hair behind my ear, I laced my fingers through Lex's, bringing his hand to mouth. I placed an open mouthed kiss to the back of his hand.

"Mmm. Such an angel." Lex said, taking his hand back. He bit the inside of my wrist, the sharpness making me suck in a breath. He continued up my arm, a trail of marks lining the soft skin of my arm and neck. "And you're all mine."

I put my head back down on his shoulder as he lay down, wrapping an arm around my waist. My heart thundered, and I was sure he could feel it through the wool of his sweater.

"You're not in pajamas." I said. "You can't lay down yet."

"Neither are you, darling." Lex said, pressing a kiss to my temple. "But then, you're in hardly anything at all."

"Not my fault." I said. "Put on pajamas. Your sweater is scratchy."

Lex rumbled a laugh, and sat. I propped myself up on my good arm, suppressing a judder of cold-but I couldn't hide anything from Lex. He rolled his eyes skywards, standing up.

"You're impossible. Come on. Get up. We're going to go make you some tea." He held out a large green pullover to me. "The staff are all gone for the night. You can wear this."

I took it, letting it swallow me up. The sleeves came well past my hands, hanging down and hiding them.

  The kitchen was dark and empty, everything put away and labelled. The residual smell of ginger and wine hung in the air. It smelled like Christmas.

"Sit." Lex pointed at a stool. I boosted myself onto it, resting my chin in my hand. Lex set the kettle on high, pulling a mug from the cupboard. Within minutes he had poured out two cups of a fragrant tea, setting one in front of me. I wrapped my hands around it, inhaling deeply.

"I missed you." I said abruptly. "In the hospital. They handcuffed me to the bed, because they thought I was a danger to myself. I didn't sleep for two nights. I thought I would never see you again. I thought they would send me to an institution. I didn't say a single word the whole time."

Lex closed his eyes, and a single tear leaked down his cheek. I carefully wiped it away, letting my palm linger on his face.

"It's not your fault." I said. "Don't cry."

"I should have been there. I shouldn't have involved you." Lex held my hand to his face. "I've never regretted anything more."

"I don't regret it." I told him. "Not for a second."

I stretched up, and kissed him, my hands still warm from holding the mug. It seemed to break the spell he was under. He smiled and licked his lips.

"You, my love, are incorrigible. I think we had better head upstairs. As much as I would love to keep you awake, I think you need the sleep."

A/N: I've managed to break my collarbone (don't even ask how) (i fell out of bed. i spend half my life dancing, caving, bouldering or sailing and i broke myself by falling three feet out of bed) (I'm bitter)
ANYWAYS i can do nothing except write for a while so expect some solid updates

-ivory faye

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