02: gardenias

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if you want to express your love and devotion to someone but don’t want your identity to be known, the gardenia is the flower to give as a present.  it signifies a secret love or an untold love.


will eventually joined the two girls, helping them replace the old soil with new soil. he looked over at the couple dozen pockets laying on the ground, and he examined which ones there were.
roses, carnations, sunflowers, tulips, lillies... there were a lot to choose from. one packet stuck out in particular, a light blue packet with the title "daffodils" struck the boys' attention.

jane glanced at the packet, "you wanna use that one?" she questioned, wiping her nose and getting dirt all over her face. "yeah, i think so." he replied before ripping the packet open and scattering the seeds over the soil. they all worked together for a couple more minutes, and in the end they finished planting the flowers.

/ time skip /

it was the next day, and it had rained last night, which was a relief to the group. will rode his bike and catched up with jane and max, who shared one bike. max was too lazy to actually ride a bike, but jane enjoyed the workout, since it benefited her cheerleading.

"good morning." will greeted them, placing his bike into the rack and locking it up.

"good morning. uh, i have practice today so i can't participate in the club today. forgive me?" jane held will's hands in hers and gave him a pleading look.

"it's okay. i have max, after all." he smiled at max, who awkwardly mumbled. "what?" he asked.

"i wanted to see jane cheerlead..." she put her hand on the back of her neck and looked at jane, who blushed and looked back at will.

will thought about the boy he met yesterday, mike wheeler. he regretted not being able to give him a handshake, so that was his one mission for today. he looked over at the girls and gave them a 'it's fine' look and entered his first class, expert art, his favorite elective.

he loved art. will has always been an artist, ever since kindergarten where he picked up his first crayon. unlike all the other kids, who were seniors or juniors, will was a freshman. he stood out, like most places where he went.

the teacher whistled to gather the students' attention, smiling excitedly.
"we have someone switching to this class today!" she did a small drumroll before bringing in a familiar face.

mike wheeler.

will jumped in his seat and looked shockingly at the tall boy, who gave him a small wave and a smile.

"you can sit by our youngest student, will byers. will, please raise your hand." she glanced over at him, and he hesitantly raised his hand and hid his face behind the easel, where his unfinished artwork sat on the canvas.

mike bounced with each step he took, and sat down happily next to will, who avoided eye contact at all costs. "you're the flower boy, aren't you? what happened to your face?" he placed his hands on the empty space between his legs.

"jerks. like to beat people up." he mumbled and got out his acrylic paints and brushes. mike looked at his canvas and gasped, his hand hovering over his mouth. it was a very detailed drawing of one of will's favorite flowers, a gardenia.

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