Rose Mazur

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Rose Pov:

I was sitting in my Baba's office waiting for him. We were going to discuss the selection that Belikov was having. 

"Ahh, Kiz, How are you?" Baba said smiling 

"In a mood to kill" I answered dryly. Baba just laughed and took his seat. 

"So, I have to ask you, What are you thinking about this? Where does your boyfriend fit into this? And are you actually going to even play?" He said looking through some papers.

"What could have  ever made you think I wouldn't want to be a part of this?" I said sarcastically. He gave me a look that said 'I'm-serious' 

"Fine, Adrian and I broke up,  Long story. And Belikov, I don't know, I'll do what I feel like" I said, board. 

" Isn't that the point, You don't 'feel'" Baba said raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, I would be offended but true. I don't know, Mama is nice and I know just marring a girl from here won't help Russias reputation much and I want to help her but that would be heling Belikov now which I'm not interested in" I explained. Baba nodded understanding. 

"So just go with whatever happens? That's unlike you but I understand you haven't even met him.  But you do understand if you become the queen of Russia then you will have to rule both countries since your my only child, right?" 

"Umm, Yes I know. If I marry Belikov then our countries will combine and become the most powerful... That's a big responsibility... But it will give me power so I'm okay with that" 

" Power, yes. Are you even thinking about a married life?"  

"... No... Not really"

Dimitri Pov:

"Mama! I don't want to!" I hadn't ever wined in my life but this was killing me. 

"Dimka, it was very kind of Abe to help us after what Randall did, You know that. And this is helping us as well, we don't have a choice. And you don't have anyone in your life, Maybe you'll find someone for real" She said smiling as she ran her hands through my hair. 

"I hope so, I don't want to have to live with someone just because of power, I don't want to become him," I said with  sigh 

"I'm sure you won't be anything like him," She said smiling more. "Come on, lest look at there files," She said grabbing the pile of folders. 

I started to look through the folder, everyone seemed nice but one cough my eye. Princess Rosemarie. She wasn't like the other girls who were mostly about being nice and lovely, No. Rosemarie was known for being deadly, which was rare. Also, she was Mazur's daughter, Mazur is known for being strong, Reasonable, smart and deadly, and Rosemarie was a carbon copy except she was more deadly.

Interesting, She will do so much for power but no one dislikes her for this.   

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