His Million Watt Smile: Part 5

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"So would you rather have to read the dictionary all the way through cover to cover or have to eat a book?" he asked.

"Eat a book? What kind of question is that?" I asked.

"Just answer the question" he smirked at me.

"Do I have to eat the cover?"

He pondered tapping his chin thoughtfully "Um... yes."

"Can I have catsup or salt or something?"

"Not a chance!"

"How long is the book?"

"Just answer the question already, You're not going to actually have to do it you know." I took pride in knowing I was frustrating him.

"Tell me how long the book is and I'll answer!" I said.

"Fine! You have to eat Breaking Dawn." He said referring to the last book in the Twilight Saga which I knew was over 700 pages.

"I'd eat the book." I said trying to make it sound obvious. His eyes widened in surprise. "What? I heard paper was good for you." I said defending my decision. He chuckled as he finished the last slice of pizza. I glanced at the clock. Was it really already 11? I smacked my ihome letting it play a song at random. I was going to do anything to keep him here just a second longer. I moved the pizza box out from in-between us , throwing it on the floor. I laid on my back staring at the ceiling again. He did the same only to be propped up on his elbow again a second later, looking over me. I felt my eyes drooping. He grabbed a strand of my hair crunchy from lake water and began twirling it in between his fingers.

"You tired?" he was staring intently at my hair, completely focused.

"No" I lied. He must have seen right through it.

"Yeah you are." He whispered. He dropped my hair and wrapped his free arm around my waist pulling me closer. I settled my head in the crook of his neck as my eye lid drooped dangerously low. I pulled my hands up to his chest as wrapped his other arm around me. He closed his eyes and kissed the top of my head. A wave of adrenalin pulsed through me when he lips touched my head causing me to open my eyes a little farther from sleep than before. He seemed to sense my change in posture because he leaned down to kiss my cheek. My eyes were having no trouble staying open now, as another wave stronger than before, shoved its way through my chest. I looked up at him to see him smiling down at me. "All better?" he asked.

I nodded as I looked into his eyes. My heart picked up pace as his eyes fell on my lips. He leaned toward me and I froze having sudden stage fright. I had never considered that I might not be a good kisser. He sighed. "What know?"

"I just... I don't think, I can do this yet." I said pushing on his chest trying to get away from him. He caught my wrists causing my hands to stay right where they were. "Hey! Let me go!" I glared at him.

"Shhhhh!" he looked at the open bed room door. He used his skinny arms to pull me by my wrists on top of him. He then threw both of us off the bed onto the floor. "The monster is still down there." He stage whispered, referring to Lyle. I laughed and he rolled on top of me holding my wrists up by my head. "Yeah now who's laughing." He joked.

"Lyle!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Sean's eyes widened and he hopped off me. "That would still be me." I whispered to him as Lyle thumped up the stairs. Sean helped me up quickly glancing at the door nervously ever few seconds.

"What?" Lyle grumbled around the corner of my door still giving Sean the stink eye. I hadn't actually had anything to say to him so I just sat there staring at him.

"Um, do you think it would be cool if we went out tomorrow?" Sean asked. He was asking permission to take me on a date? Both Lyle and I's face contorted in surprise. Lyle absently nodded his head, there was no way he could refuse a gentleman. I stared at Sean waiting for Lyle to go back downstairs.

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