trouble has come

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there was a knock at the door so jake went to answer it i thought it would be fans but.... it was my parent !!!!

i thought i was going to burst in to tears like they burst into our house i told noah to stay in the living room with lexi then my boyfriend stood infront of the door so my parents couldn't see the kids .

" Erika Costell when your brother called me and said you have 2 kids i thought it was a joke , but an adopted kid and jason's .people will think your are a fucking bitch !" My mum said with her face turning bright red 

" well i never told anyone because i was scared , Jason thretend to kill him and me , then when we broke up noah stayed with his dad ruled by the court , then i missed him so much i adopted lexi and thought you would disapointed !" i cried my eyes out then out of no where my mum slapped my face leaving a massive red mark 

jake then stepped in hugging me and screaming at them , i had a feeling they were going to hurt him as well so i pulled him away " there are no words i cant even call you my daughter , no wonder you were a mistake NO ONE WANTED YOU GET THAT IN YOUR THICK BRAIN OF YOURS !!"

at this point i wanted to break down into tears on the floor , they walked out slamming the door tessa watched and filmed the whole thing on her phone and showed it to kade who magicaly appeard at the door he joined our hug 

i texted my brother and he said he never told our parents any thing so someone must of told them umm like .............

adopted by jake paul (his little princess)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora