Un known child

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Erika POV

Before I had met jake I had a baby with my Ex and now he is 8. My problem is that I never told jake and my Ex Jaxon is leaving and no one can look after Noah , so as a mum I have to look after my child. When Noah was 4 he had to choose between his parents but jaxon thretend Noah to choose him. After that I cried myself to sleep every night missing my son but now he is going to be living with us after his dad is ditching him

I am not sure how jake is going to react , that's all I am nervous about but I shouldn't should I ?

I shouted for jake "babe come down we need to talk"

Jake "coming!"

I lead him into our bedroom shaking in fright and he could tell since he had a nervous look on his face , we sat on the bed opposite each other with lexi next to us sleeping in her cot

Erika .  I am going to tell you something but you need to promise you won't freak out, ok? 

Jake  promise!

Erika  before we met I had a boyfriend called Jaxon and I had a baby called Noah

Jake  what ?? When were you going to tell me this !!!

Erika jake listen , so when he was 4 i broke up with my Ex and was with you , Noah had to choose between parents and choose jaxon (she was crying with jake wiping her eyes )

Jake why didn't you tell me , was that why your always crying at night ?n( he said calmly)

Erika yeah , but he has been ditched by jax and has no where to live so I wanted to ask if he could live us ?

Jake if it makes you happy , oh and he will have Lexi as a sister , how old is he 

Erika only 8 and he is kind of shy and insecure with new people ,  I was 17 when I had him so I didn't know what I was doing

Jake was understanding but I could see he was hurt I never told him , to be honest my parents don't even know ever

When I hugged him it turned into a make out session but as we got well into it Lexi woke  up crying , it's like everytime we do do it she interrupts . The good thing is that I could of got pregnant 

Jakes POV

I felt sorry for Erika but also hurt since she never told me until today , Noah is that old I thought he would be about older like 9 or 10 . But what shocked me more is that her parents don't even know , when she told them about lexi they were both mad so that might be why 

*******  day after

I woke up and decided to edit my blog while my girls are still asleep and wanted to get something to welcome Noah , I went on Amazon prime and bought a football and a goal post since Erika said he loves football

I went to pick up the parcel but as soon as I got in to the house the doorbell went , the figure in the glass was a small boy , what must have been Noah 

"Sorry I must have the wrong address " he said , he had a jumper in saying his name

" you don't I am your mums boyfriend jake  , come in I will get her for you !" As I said it a smile grew on his face and less worried , I offers to take his bags and put them near the indoor trampoline 

"Erika, Noah is here !" I shouted , she heard me and came sprinting down picking the young boy up , they cuddled util I gave him his present of me . When he looked at it he was literally jumping up and down , Erika looked happy as I gave it him and I went to set it up as my girlfriend took Noah upstairs to meet his little sister

It took me not that long to put up the goal post , when they came out Noah was caring his sister at placing her in his mums arms so he could play me at football

The girls went upstairs to sort out the room then tessa  came down and hugged her nephew and started joining in the game the her boyfriend chance came saying "why didn't you tell me you are plsying football , now it was a full game girls vs boys 


We were watching a movie and eating popcorn before Erika came down , Tessa fell asleep on chance so it was just the boys until my girlfriend wanted to show Noah his new room what looked like

Lexi was trying to climb on the bed while her brother was working his x-box playing the new need for speed game chance was playing with him as I went to order a pizza at the same time as putting my daughter in their high chair and finding her food...

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Lexi was trying to climb on the bed while her brother was working his x-box playing the new need for speed game chance was playing with him as I went to order a pizza at the same time as putting my daughter in their high chair and finding her food in the cupboard. I ordered 6 pizzas made for left overs for lunch 

adopted by jake paul (his little princess)Where stories live. Discover now