Razorblade romance

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Note - her name is actually Domineke but its Neke for short (pronounced neek) 

Chapter 1

"Hey Neke come through" she got up and followed him through the studio down to his room, she walked in and placed her handbag on the chair. She got up on the chair and laid back, Austin poured the ink into the little tubs, he smiled as he grabbed his gun, he dipped it in the ink "you ready" he smirked "always" she smiled. Austin started tattooing her chest "so where are you going on your holiday?" she smiled "I'm going to Vegas for a bit then I'm off to Finland." He dipped the needle into the ink and continued tattooing "sick man I've been to America but never Europe" she nodded. "Yeah I've been to Europe it's beautiful but I've never been to Finland" she gritted her teeth as pain shot up to her neck, he smiled "toughen up it's not that bad" he chuckled.

She smiled, they chatted away for about an hour "want to take five" she nodded "have a look" she slid off the chair and looked in the mirror "awesome" Austin smiled. Austins apprentice Jai walked in "need anything man" Austin grabbed his bank card "yeah lunch just get me the normal, you want anything Neke?" Neke smiled "yeah can you grab me a ice tea" Jai nodded and left. Neke sat back up on the chair, Austin looked at the tattoo "man this is gonna look sick when we finish" Neke smiled "you say that every time I come in" he laughed "I cant help it if I've covered you in awesome tattoo's" she smiled. Jai came back and handed Neke her drink and Austin his lunch, Neke sipped her drink while Austin quickly ate his pie. Austin put on some new gloves and continued tattooing, after an hour he put his gun down "we are done" he wiped Neke's chest.

She stood up and walked to the mirror "it's awesome" she said as she admired her new chest peice "this is definatly my favourite" Austin smiled. "Soon your going to have no room left for me to tattoo" Neke smiled as she looked at her fully tattooed arms, hands, feet, legs and now her chest "still got my back" she smiled. Austin chuckled "yeah still have your neck, one side of your ribs, your stomach and eventually your face" Neke shook her head "no way never tattooing my face" Austin laughed. Austin covered her tattoo with clear wrap, she pulled a shirt out from her bag and put it over her singlet she knew how bad the sun burnt fresh tattoo's. Neke followed Austin out to the reception "uhh call it four hundred today" Neke nodded "cool" she paid. "You want to book in for after your trip" she thought about it "nah I'll text you when I get back and book in." Austin smiled "okie dokie have a sick holiday" she smiled "will do see you when I get back" Neke walked down the stairs and out to the car.

She unlocked the car and got in, she pulled her phone out of her bag and checked the messages 'hey call me when you can' from her brother Xavier. She called him "hey Xav what do you want" he sighed "are you busy?" she closed her cardoor "no whys that?" She got her keys out of her bag "can you pick me up from work in a hour" she put the keys in the ignition "no problem see you then" she hung up and threw her phone onto the passenger seat. Neke looked at her watch "fuck" it was nealry peak hour she knew she was going to be in heavy traffic the entire way home. She started the car and HIM came on she sung along as she drove into the city, she drove through the city and got on the south freeway.

Just over a hour later she pulled up infront of her brothers work and he got into the car "thanks sis" she smiled. Xavier took the CD out "why are you touching my music" he chuckled "I've had this song stuck in my head all day." Xavier put a cd in then skipped the first song, Neke laughed "you've had this song stuck in your head" he nodded "what" they both began to sing along 'I'll instigate, I'll free your mind, I'll show you what I've known all this time, god hates us all' they laughed. A while later she pulled into the drive way of their house, she clicked the remote and the garage door opened she drove in and parked the car. Xavier unlocked the house while Neke went and checked the mail, she grabbed the letters and walked back into the garage. She clicked the button next to the door and the garage door lowered itself then she walked inside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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