Chapter 4: Brace Face

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I just got my brace's removed, finally. I get home and look at my white, straightend teeth. I smile with my teeth. It's a Saturday, yay. School sucks. I actually don't mind school, but for 5 days out of 7 in a week. Too much. Oh well, maybe that's just me. The boys, Shawn and Cam, are coming over because there's probably some sport thing on television today, I don't know. But they're coming over

I'm in the den, reading the book and about to burst into tears. I can't believe the author would kill that charater. He was my favortie in the book. UGH. I decide to not read anymore because of that. I look up and see Anna-Bell walking in my heels.

"Anna-Bell, where did you get those?" I ask.

"They're mine!" She yells and trys to run but trips. I laugh slightly then help her up.

"What about, we play dress-up and you can call the shoes yours for today." I say her eyes brighten as she nods excitedly I laugh go to my room with her.

I open my closet and take out some dresses that I don't need and that don't fit me anymore, I also take out some heels. I lay those out for her then look for accsesories in my shelved closet.

I take out some earings that wouldn't be too heavy for her. She had her ears peirced in the hospital just like I did. I also get necklaces and head bands. I sit on the floor with her. She looks at me and smiles. I smile too. She widens her eyes. She points to her teeth, then to mine.

"It's gone." She says.

"What's gone? My braces?" I say.

"Where, what?" She asks.

"See, I only needed them for 3 years. Now my teeth are straight so I don't need them." She's never seen me without braces. When she was born I had already had them on. I got my brace's when I was 10. I show her my teeth. She giggles.

"You look pretty with no, 'Brace's'" She says. I laugh.

"Thank you." I say. We get her dressed in one of my dresses then she decides against it because it's too long, so we go to her room and I pick out a pretty sun dress for her. Then she takes a pair of my white heels. I put some nice earings on her and do her hair. I make a fishtail on her since her hair is long enough now, I put a white headband on her head. She starts strutting around I laugh.

"You need to get dressed up now." She says.

"Anna I don't-" I start.

"But you have to!" She whines. She can be so annoying at times.

"Fine, what do you want me to wear." I ask. She looks in my closet, obviously not thinking any of these dresses would fit me. She turns around holding a strapless, long blue sun dress. I nod "Good taste." I say. She giggles and hands me the dress. She turns around playing with my chalkboard that I use for school stuff, but she likes drawing on it so I allow her to do so as I get changed.

"Okay, Anna, what do you think?" I ask. She turns and smiles. She jumps with exitment.

"We're the two princesses!" She says. I laugh. "You need shoes." She says looking at my bare feet.

"Can you look for some for me?" I ask. It makes her feel important when I let her choose my outfits so I do it as often as I could, because seeing her smile is probably the cutest things in the world.

She looks for shoes and finds my more, sexy type of heels. I laugh "Alright." I say and put them on. The dress has some black in it so she's trying to match. She looks me up and down, then her eye lands on my head. I'm wearing my hair in a pony-tail.

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