Chapter 3: Haha, "Friends"

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-CAM'S P.OV.- 

We get to her house and see Shawn's car outside Rose's house. We always go hang out at their place after school. We go inside the house and Shawn's on the phone.

"Babe, I swear she's just my friend. What, I can't have any female friends.... You're being dramatic... Then why are we together? Whatever. Bye." Shawn says while the girl was stil talking. He clicks the phone off. "Oh, hey."

"Hey." I say. Rose stays quiet.  She finally shakes her head.

"You don't call a girl dramatic. Even if it's true." Rose says.

"Sorry." Shawn apologizes. More to Rose than to his now ex-girlfriend. Rose shrugs. Her lips turn into a grin.

"So I hear you're single now." She says and elbows him. Shawn laughs.

"Four years." Shawn says. She pouts and folds her arms.

"So?" We all laugh, that includes her.  Joey walks in.

"Woah, what'd I miss?" Joey asks.

"Shawn breaking yet another girl's heart." I say. All but Shawn laughs. He trys to put on a 'That-hurt-me' look. Joey wraps his arms around Rose's neck. 

"Stay away from my sister." Joey says, we share another roar of laughter. 

"Off to FOOD!!" Joey yells and goes into the kitchen. We all follow. Shawn, Joe, and I put down our backpacks. Rose keeps hers and pulls out her book and stares at it.

"Hellowww Earth to Rose." I say waving my hand infront of her face. "Normal people read inside the book." I say

"Hello. And normal people who never read the book don't come at the scary moments. She pushes me slightly. I push her back. She punches my arm. I lightly punch her back.

"OY!" Joey says "No rough housen!" He says. We roll our eyes at him and laugh. We have cookies, oreos and chocolate chip. 

"I'm gonna go do my homework." Rose says going to walk towards her room

"I'm coming too." I say grabbing my bag.

"Dude, whatcha doing she's mine" Shawn's voice says. I laugh.

"She's mine now." I say wrapping my arm around her waist. 

"Don't do anything weird in there." Joey says.

"Ewwww." Rose complains.  I poke her side. She clutches her side. She giggles "Stop." She says I tickle her. She laughs hard and can't stop.

"Uhm. Like what is happening over there." Joey's serious voice comes out.

"I'm tickling her." I say 

"Oh." Joey says. Rose and I break out into laughter.

"Love you Joey!" She says. "Okay let's start." She says pulling out her books. I pull out mine. 

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