16.2| Growing Unrest

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... For the moment, that is.

He blinked, suddenly remembering about what happened between him and the little miss last night. That was the closest he had been to honestly speaking his thoughts to her without having anything to hide underneath his words. He had been surprised with the act. Noct hadn't expected to say what he had said, even though that doubt had always been lurking there at the back of his mind. He had also been surprised with the Snow Witch herself. Something had felt different with her hours ago. It was almost as though she had forgotten to put up her expressionless guard. She seemed weakened and shaken, and frankly, Noct was a little worried. Despite that, he couldn't shake off her answer after he had voiced out the one question he had been wanting to ask.

Vengeance. That was what she had said. There had been a darkness in her luminous silver eyes, an untold story behind that one word. Something had happened to the Snow Witch, something that involved another witch of her kind. Noct was certain that it did not bode well. If that witch was able to evade someone as powerful as the little miss, he could only assume that the other person was of equal strength... or perhaps even stronger.

I guess I'm not the only one who has a bone to pick with another witch, Noct thought quietly.

He still had other burning questions for her, of course. He still had a lot he didn't know about Chell, like the details of her last name and why it seemed so important. Yoko had said the the Vittes were one of the four families. If someone of royal blood was expected to treat a Vitte with utmost respect, then he was certain that was a big deal. But Noct would have to find the right time to ask first.

"You must think that we have ulterior motives, don't you?" Yoko suddenly spoke as she settled beside him, her eyes not peeling away from inside the item shop. The tone she used was one that suggested she had an inkling about Chell and Noct's uncertain response to her adamant invitation to let them stay within the palace.

Noct shook himself of his thoughts and bore a wide smile, glancing at her. He had his own thoughts, of course, but he couldn't just say them casually to a monarch who was next in line within her own kingdom. Even though Yoko had said she wanted to be addressed with familiarity, she was still a princess. He was also certain that at best, his own opinion would hold little to no weight. The Snow Witch was the one making the decisions, not him. That, and the fact that he wouldn't mind living in luxury for a few more days, of course. Not too long ago, it had been any thief's dream to live within the walls of the king.

"Oh no. Not at all, princess," he said. "We're very grateful, in fact."

Yoko was silent, as though she was thinking deeply of something. Her expression was stoic. Moments passed between them. Then, she breathed out and touched the glass with her slender hand, her gaze fixed at the two witches who were still inside.

"You know, Noct... I feel like we're similar, you and I."

He had not expected to hear that. His polite facade broke and he slipped back into his real face. Noct raised an eyebrow amusedly. "Oho. And in what way, may I ask?"

Yoko turned her head to look at Noct, her eyes blue and piercing. It was the gaze of someone who had been bestowed with a lot of responsibility on her shoulders. The gaze of someone who was ready to accept an important task.

"You care for her. And I care for Jul in the same way," she said.

It took him a few seconds to realize that the person she was referring to was Chell. Noct grinned, in spite of himself, and resisted the urge to burst into laughter. "Oh, no no. You might be a little wrong about that, princess. Although it is true that I do concern myself with her, we don't have the connection that you think we do."

Yoko didn't look convinced. She sighed and turned away. "Well... if you say so. But Jul and I... we have... a special bond. It is my fault she is like this. I... I only want her happiness. And now, her happiness is in finally meeting Chell and having the chance of getting to know her. I know this is selfish, but I really do hope you two can stay a little longer... For Jul's sake. Please."

There was a hint of sadness and almost something like regret in her voice that Noct caught. He remained quiet, suddenly wondering what she meant and why she was going to such lengths for Jul. Even though the Falcon Witch constantly caused trouble, the princess clearly still cared a lot for her.

'It is my fault she is like this', Yoko had said.

Noct cast a glance inside. He saw Jul tugging at the Snow Witch's clothes, pointing to something atop the shelf. Her wide grin was a strange contrast to Chell's expressionless face. Then, he noticed the shop owner from the nearby counter, a woman with a deeply troubled expression on her face. She was looking at Jul with uneasiness.

As though that was the trigger, the Crow Thief finally realized something he had overlooked. The reason that Yoko was disliked by her people was because of Jul.

It made sense now that he thought about it. Jul didn't act like she was part of royalty simply because she wasn't, even though she lived together with Yoko in the palace. Noct chided himself for being an idiot and not noticing it sooner. The important clue was already there. Jul's last name was Orben, not Agnis Castagne. Jul was someone from outside royalty, a gifted witch yes, but a mere commoner nevertheless. And yet, she was allowed by Yoko to act without restraint, stealing and causing trouble around the kingdom. This, he understood, was why people seemed to dislike Yoko. As someone of royal blood, such acts were considered disgraceful and unbecoming, especially from one who was about to ascend the throne. A princess was expected to learn grace and proper manners. She was not supposed to be running around the kingdom acting as a guardian of someone who was not part of monarchy. The face of a kingdom, after all, rested on those with bloods that bled blue.

Noct frowned. He was never one to involve himself in political feuds and he never once cared in the slightest back in Uldard. He decided to keep his own opinions about the matter to himself. As long as it did not require his attention, he wouldn't dig any deeper.

The Crow Thief let out a low sigh just as Jul and Chell finally stepped out of the doors. Jul still had that bright, happy grin, followed by Chell's blank, humorless expression.

"Yoko, let's go to Olivia's place next!" she beamed delightedly.

Yoko shook her head in a quiet apology to Chell and sighed in defeat, knowing she wouldn't be able to stop her companion. "Alright... But try to keep your excitement Jul, please."

"Okay!" Jul replied, clearly not listening to a word as she bounced on her feet. The princess's shoulders slumped a little in visible weariness. Noct couldn't help but crack a grin as he saw the scene and quickly wiped it away before anyone could notice. Chell had been looking at him. When he noticed her gaze, he gave her an encouraging nod, enjoying himself. The little miss said nothing. The glint in her eyes, however, seemed to say that she was not feeling the same.

When they began moving down the path, Noct followed after all of them while slightly trailing behind. He kept his eyes locked on the Snow Witch's back and wondered if she had already realized what he had figured out.

Noct rubbed the back of his head, easing his nerves. He hoped that him and the Snow Witch wouldn't get into any more trouble again.

----> thank you for reading!


Now that a piece of the puzzle has been revealed, what are your theories about Yoko and Jul's relationship?

The Wandering Witch VOL. 2 - The Witchfolk Genocide ArcNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ