Recreate The Whaa??

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Year: 2020

Ages: All are 15

Setting: School

Prudence's POV

"Settle down children" said Mrs. DeMarco

I and the other children sat down quickly before she started yelling. Just as we started to sit down the fire alarm rang. We all filed out of the classroom. But only I really knew what happened. I knew who pulled the fire alarm. 

"Melinda! Come here!' I yelled.

"What do you want" she asked

"I want to know why you pulled the fire alarm." I said

"How do you even know it was me?"

"I know because you are a michevious little girl and I'm telling Aunt Piper and Uncle Leo" I said

"You know what they say about snitches right? They turn into bitches" She said

"I can't even deal with you right now. Just get out of my face." I said

Her and I are always butting heads when it comes to her mischevious ways. We fight like we are sisters but we're cousins. All I want to know is how I was born to a mother who was the michevious one as a teenager and she was born to the one who was the mediator between Aunt Prue and my mom. Tamora and  Kat were born to Aunt Piper and my mom's long lost sister Aunt Paige. Apparently she was a love child between my grandma and her whitelighter. Must've been a forbidden love if she was given to somebody else. The elders let her live because when Aunt Prue died they needed to recreate the Power Of Three. Way before I was born, Aunt Piper, my mom, and Aunt Paige defeated many demons, warlocks, and witches. They even defeated The Source of All Evil Twice. The first Source and then Aunt Phoebe's Ex husband, Uncle Cole. He was known as Belthazor and The Source.

As I continued on through the day at school, I had a bad feeling in my gut that something bad was going to happen but i didn't know what was going to happen. I didn't possess the power of premonition like my mom. When the bell rang at the end of the day I found Melinda, Tamora, and Kat becuase we walk to Aunt Piper's house after school everyday. 

"How was your day Tamora and Kat?" I asked

"Good." They both said in unison.

"You both are twins but that doesn't mean that you have to answer together." Melinda said

"Leave them alone before I remotely beam you onto the San Francisco Bridge." I said

"You don't have the guts to, because you know I can orb you into the Pacific Ocean." She shot back

"Stop fighting" Tamora and Kat said

"Whatever." I said and then I beamed to the Manor.

As I reached the Manor, Melinda orbed in. 

"What are you  doing here?" I asked

"What do you mean? I live here dumbass." She shot back

"What I meant was, why did you leave Tamora and Kat alone?"

"They're not alone, they have each other." She said

In the midst of our fighting we smelled the most distinctive smell that anyone could every smell. It was my Aunt Piper's cookies. They smelled so good that I beamed and she orbed into the kitchen. 

"Hiya Aunt Piper." I said

"Hi mom" Melinda said

She didn't even say hi back before asking where Tamora and Kat was. 

'Where are your cousins?" Aunt Piper asked

"Melinda left them" I said

"No you left them" Melinda said

"I don't care who left them, just go back and get them." She ordered

"Yes Ma'am" We both said.

I beamed to their location and Melinda orbed.

We beamed to Tamora blowing up a demon or a warlock or whatever it was. 

"Why did you just blow him up?" I asked

"He attacked us." They both said

"Why would a demon be attacking them. I thought that our parents defeated all of the demons." Melinda said

"Lets go ask Uncle Leo" I said.

I grabbed Kat's hand and Melinda grabbed Tamora's hand and we all beamed and orbed to the Manor. When we reached the manor there was the Elder Odin there. He and Uncle Leo were talking. Then there was a sudden look on Uncle Leo's face like something was wrong. Of course I was right.

"Girl's come here." Aunt Piper said.

"I'm going to call Phoebe and Paige." Uncle Leo said.

"What's going on?" Melinda asked

In seconds Aunt Paige and my mom orbed in. 

"What's going on?" My mom asked

All I heard was murming and then I heard The Power Of Three.

"What about The Power Of Three?" I asked

Elder Odin walked forward.

"You, Melinda, Tamora, and Kat will have to recreate The Power Of Three." He said

"Recreate the whaaaa? We all asked

"Recreate The Power Of Three."

"Why?" Melinda asked

"Well we Elders believe that when your parents defeated the triad and the ultimate power, that they opened up the Underworld graveyard."

"There's a underworld graveyard?" Tamora and Kat asked

"Yes, basically it's a hell under a hell." Odin said

"Um If you haven't noticed there is four of us." I said

"Tamora and Kat equal as one since their Aunt Piper contained both of their powers." Odin said

We all talked about it a little bit more and then Tamora, Kat, and I went to our homes. Aunt Paige orbed all of us home. I thought about what Elder Odin said and I believe that Melinda, Tamora, Kat, and I can save the world, just like our parents.


Chapter 2 on the way!

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2014 ⏰

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