Chapter One: My name is Riley

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"Riley, are you sure you really want to go back?" he asked. "Yes, wake up Tyler please." I said grabbing an apple. He nodded and wandered up the stairs. He tries his best to take care of us, but he's only 24 years old. Not a very big difference from me or my brother. We are both 16, twins. He is the most protective asshole I've ever met. It's gotten worse... since the accident happened. That's why we are living with our Uncle Paul. He has custody of us. But not that we will be a big problem because me and Tyler have gone to a boarding school most of our lives. Meaning we sleep there in dorms, and hardly leave. But we always saw our parents. We lived an hour away from the school, and we came home every little time off we had from school, of course there were surprise visits and gifts. Our parents were great people. It kills me that they aren't here. Last January they were out shopping and the roads were slippery. They died instantly, and so did the passengers of the other car. As for me and Tyler, it's time for us to go back to school for the year. It's going to be hard, but we have each other. I walked up stairs and peeked in his room to see him looking in the mirror at his outfit. He has dark chocolate brown hair, with brown eyes, the same as our parents. I'm the weird one with eyes that change from blue, to green to grey. Tyler is tall and in shape and was the football team captain last year, so as you can imagine all the girls want him. "You look fine Ty!" I said with a smile. "Thanks, I'm ready when you are sis." he said giving me a reassuring nod. I was ready, just needed a moment to prepare mentally. I walked into my room and made sure I had all of my stuff packed and scanned my outfit one last time. Black jeans and a pink top. It will do. I'm a few inches shorter than my brother and I am a few pounds lighter as well, my brother and I both have dimples on our cheeks, except I have three. Two on the left and one on the right, and he only has one on each side, and our hair color is identical. If he grew his out he'd probably look identical to me. We always get comments about our looks, it's quite annoying! I grabbed my bags and met Tyler and Uncle Paul out by the car. Me and Tyler both placed our bags in the trunk. Time to get back the way it was.


"Goodbye! I'll miss you kids! Keep in contact!" Uncle Paul said dropping us off. I know he's probably happy to get back to his life. We said goodbye to him and made our way through the familiar doors and to our assigned rooms. "This is me, I'll come find you after I get settled in, okay?" Tyler asked. "Yes, my room number is 12C." I said keeping my same pace. Boys and girls are on opposite sides of the building. This is just the dorm building. Teachers are in here also. This building in particular is the housing for all 11th graders and 11th grade teachers. It feels good to be a junior. We are cut off from the other grades, and each grade has there own schooling house full of classes and a cafeteria. But on some occasions everyone comes together. Very rare. The girls share rooms in the C wing, teachers in the B wing, except they don't have to share rooms. There is only like 12 of them anyways. And the boys are in the A wing. I safely made it through the hallway without seeing anyone I knew. I opened my door, to find it was already unlocked, meaning my roommate was already in there. I slowly opened the door. "RILEY!" she shouted and practically tackled me. "How have you been? I tried contacting you over the summer! I missed you so much!" she said pulling away and smiling. I smiled warmly at her. "It's nice to see you too, Leigh! I'm glad you're my roomate, and not a stranger." I nicely said. "Where's Tyler?" she asked concerned. "He's at his room, don't worry he came!" I said remembering how big of a crush she has had on him. She's pretty, beautiful tan skin, brown eyes and pretty black hair. And she cares a lot about her African American heritage. She gets really mad when people call her white, but her skins so light, so I don't blame them. My brother actually liked her at one point too, but things have changed. I got unpacked and organized.

"Ha! You packed more than me! By the way, are you going to be trying out for the soccer team this year?" I actually haven't thought about it much. "Eh, I don't know yet. Possibly. Maybe? Who knows." I said shrugging. Before she could make a comment about it there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" she said running happily to the door. She opened it and her smile dropped. "Hello Leigh, is Riley here?" Tyler. "Uhm, yeah.. come right in." she said opening the door. "Hey, wanna go to the dining hall with me and Luke? There is supposed to be a big announcement from the dean. And I'm starving. Leigh, you can come too." he said seeming happy. "Yeah, let's go, nice to see you Luke!" I said smiling. "Ahh, Miss. Riley got hotter this year!" Luke said winking at me. Tyler nudged him in the ribs. "Bro, no. That's my sister, did you forget?" he said causing me to laugh. Luke has been Tyler's best friend since forever. I don't even know how they met. We all walked down to the hall and had a seat. After about 20 minutes every teacher was in there along with the dean smiling.

"Welcome back to school! I'm your dean this year, Mr. Scott, and I'm hoping to make this year the best for all of us! Now, you are all in eleventh grade this year, so I expect you all to act like it.There will be no skipping classes, if you skip I personally will be coming to your dorm. No staying out later than nine. Everyone must be in there own rooms at nine sharp! No girls allowed in the boys rooms and vice versa. Since it's already almost seven, and students are still arriving, there will be no classes today obviously, but tomorrow morning your classes will be in session. All of your schedules are in your rooms. I hope everyone has a great year!" Mr. Scott said happily. "Well, I'm going to bed early tonight! Goodnight guys." I said pushing myself away from the table. "Goodnight sis, love you." Tyler said with a worried expression. "Goodnight! Love you too! Bye guys." I said trying to sound as happy as I could. But I have no reason to be happy. I slowly walked away. What now? I guess I could walk around by the garden, it used to be my favorite place here. I began walking through the crowded halls to get there. Seemed like forever. I kept walking until I tripped on a pencil. Of course. There were people all around me and no one noticed, thank god. I felt a soft handing grabbing my waist and lifting me up along with the pencil. "First day and already people are losing pencils." he said with a laugh. I turned around and almost fainted. "Wow you're.." I said stopping myself. "I'm what? Are you okay miss?" he asked. "Oh, yeah, uhm, I'm sorry. Thank you for helping me up.." I said not breaking eye contact. "Oh, no problem. May I ask where you are going? Any further and you will be in the teacher wing.. Nothing too interesting there." I nodded and smiled at his beautiful face. He's tall, perfect skin, blue eyes and brown hair, his lips look so soft. "Miss?" he asked again smiling. "Oh, sorry. Got distracted.. I'm going to the garden over there.. Are you new here? I don't remember you from last year. But my name is Riley, who are you?" I asked curiously. "Ohh, well I'm Mr. Flynn. I'm the new math teacher here. Nice to meet you honey." I frowned. "Why are you frowning?" he asked. "All the hot guys are either taken, gay and apparently now they're teachers. Anyways, I hate math." I said with a sigh. He let out a laugh and raised his eyebrows at me. "Well, you're quite blunt aren't you? But math is quite easy, just pay attention and you'll be fine. But I suppose I'll see you in class tomorrow, I'm guessing you'll have me seeing how I'm the only math teacher for this grade, but anyways, goodnight ya little cutie." he said smiling at me and walking away.

Hold up.. what? He called me a cutie!? Is this real life!? I probably just imagined that. Why would a gorgeous man call me cute. It probably was just a joke or him teasing me for calling him hot.. but he is. So hot.

Authors Note:

Soo they met! This was just a little introduction type chapter. Keep reading guys! much love 💞😘😍

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