Damita pulled off her night dress and put on a pair of jeans and a white low cut shirt.

"You gotta look fine everywhere you go?"Amaru playfully rolled his eyes.

"Yes...I do."Damita laughed and put her watch on her wrist. "Bring my shoes please."

Amaru brought her a pair of black boots that stood just above her knee. "Why aren't you dressed?"Damita slid her leg into her boots.

"Oh shit. My bad I'm too busy watching you."Amaru laughed and pulled off his shirt. He got dressed quickly and they got ready to leave. Damita grabbed some sunglasses and put them on so nobody could see how red her eyes were.When they walked outside their was a car there. A man got out and started walking up to them.

"Good afternoon ma'am, my name is Kyle Bennet. Mr.Jackson gave me the assignment to come and pick you up because he thought that you wouldn't come."He spoke and stuck his hand out. Damita just looked at him as if he was stupid.

"He told me that it would be hard to convince you, so I will call him. So that you can speak to him."He went for his pocket to pull out his phone, but Damita stopped him. "I'll call myself."

She pulled her phone out of her purse and called him, making sure to put him on speaker phone.

"Damita. Kyle must be at your house."Joseph answered.

"He is. I'm just calling to let you know, I'm not going with him. My husband will be driving me so that I may leave when I'm ready,"Damita challenged him.

"Damita, please don't be difficult. He will bring you home whenever you're ready. I started to send Timothy but he is handling other things. I sent cars for everyone."Joe answered and Damita rolled her eyes.

"Fine."She ended the call and Kyle opened the door.

"The moment I say that I'm ready to go home, you better be ready. I mean it."Damita scalded him and climbed into the car. He nodded his head and Amaru got in behind her.

"Baby. Promise me you'll be sane and not try to kill any family members today."Amaru rubbed on her thigh.

"Can't make any promises, Daddy. You know I don't like these bitches and they don't like me."Damita looked down at her phone and Amaru just laughed. He could only hope that she'd be civilized today. He didn't want to have to pull her off of anyone, but he would If he had to.

They arrived at their destination and Kyle opened the door allowing them to get out of the car.

"You're late."LaToya rolled her eyes as Damita walked in.

"Don't start with me Toya. I'm definitely in the mood to slap your ass today."Damita sarcastically smiled and sat down.

"Hello Amaru. Nice to see you again."Latoya smiled.

"Don't speak to my husband. Please and thank you." Damita rolled her eyes and sat Amaru's hand in her lap.

"Alright you two. That's enough."Rebbie intervened. "Y'all are too old for this damnit."

"If I may, I'd like to get started."Walter the families attorney spoke.

"Does anybody else have something say?"Joseph asked and nobody said anything. "Ok Walter, you may proceed."

Family Ties (BOOK V)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz