''I know, I know!'' Soojung sighed as she stood up to look out at the view of the window and observe the inactive and quiet streets. ''I do this to myself but I miss him so much Myungeun! I know I should be sleeping like normal as it's been two months since he's been gone--''

''Yet you're still acting as if he was gone yesterday.'' Myungeun tried to make her understand. ''I understand you are struggling to adjust with the new changes but you can't ruin your health in the meanwhile! With the little sleep you have, I'm surprised you haven't fainted yet!''

''I wonder if he's sleeping right now...'' Soojung muttered out of her mouth as she watched a car drive by the street.

''I'm sure his body has adjusted to sleep on par with the schedule and so should you!'' Myungeun walked over to grab her hand. ''Now come on, let's go to sleep.''

That girl who dances on TV

The eight girls danced in sync before they stopped in their ending pose as the last few seconds of music started to dim down, their choreographer and manager watching to make sure they didn't break character or was out of place regarding both dance moves and stage presence.

''That's a wrap for now!'' The choreographer nodded her head. ''Let's take five before we come back to practice again!''

''Girls, take a break!'' The manager quickly clapped his hand once.

Soojung stood still with her hands on her thighs, trying to catch her breath over the tiring choreography they just did. She inhaled deeply before exhaling out the oxygen, trying to make herself more awake, and grabbed hold of the bottle she saw nearby. Myungeun watched her leader drink some water and knew the lack of sleep was taking a toll on her, she looked even more tired than she did a few days ago.

''I don't know whether to tell the manager to let Soojung unnie go home to rest or not?'' Myungeun looked to see Kei was watching her like she was. ''She looks like she has no energy at all.''

''She tries to look tougher for us even though I wish she would just be downright honest about how she is, right now.'' Jiae agreed.

''You know she doesn't want to let us down by skipping any practice.'' Myungeun replied. ''She would hate to be the reason to delay the comeback or make us spend more time on practice.''

''I wouldn't care if we had to.'' Jiae responded back. ''As long as we have our leader in good health!''

A doll in the corner of the room, I'm quietly waiting for you

The three girls watched Soojung walk towards the corner of the dance room, taking a look out of the window for a quick second before she sat down. Sadness was obvious on her face as she played with her phone. They could tell she was taking this long distance relationship thing quite badly as if a break up happened.

''I'll talk to her!'' Jiae assured the younger girls.

Jiae walked over to where her leader was and like she expected, Soojung was looking at images of Namjoon online. Soojung looked up to see it was Jiae standing near her before she sat down next to her.

''How are you doing, Soojung unnie?'' Jiae wrapped her arm around Soojung, who leaned her head down on Jiae's shoulder. ''Not too well?''

''I didn't expect it to be this hard.'' Soojung sighed, staring at the wall.

''We didn't expect you to take it this hard either but it will be alright! I know it's easy for us to say but after 2 years, you'll see him again.'' Jiae reminded her the crucial fact. ''I bet Namjoon oppa's missing you too and he should be proud to have such a devoted girlfriend, who loves him so much!''

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