Hello Tutorial(2Jin)

Start from the beginning

The three couples all saw the eldest man panicking and looking like he was deep into his thoughts, probably thinking everything negativity about his upcoming date with the girl he had recently met and had his eyes on.

So natural

''Myungeun!'' Taehyung happily called out, making the younger girl to turn around to face him. ''This is Jin hyung!''

''Oh nice to meet you.'' Myungeun greeted him, she was being introduced to the many new faces upon her newly arrival in Seoul. ''Jin-shi!''

''Ah t-there's no need for formality.'' Jin cleared her throat, trying to muster his courage to overcome his shyness.

''Say Myungeun, are you free this Sunday?'' Taehyung bluntly questioned, causing Jin to be nervous with the direct question.

''Yes but why?'' Myungeun was curious.

''How do you feel about going on a date with Jin hyung? Taehyung flashed his teeth at the girl, not acknowledging that the older guy was giving him mini-glares for going straight into the question without beating around the bush for a bit but that's the Taehyung they all knew and well loved to be honest.

''O-Oh..this Sunday?'' Myungeun glanced at Taehyung before looking at Jin, who was looking nervous. ''It never hurts to try new things so why not! See you Sunday, Jin!''

Jin looked at Myungeun, giving him a smile before walking off which made his focus to completely go onto the straight-forward and blunt guy. ''Arghhh talk about being so blunt and straight-forward! Jeez Taehyung just cause it worked with Sujeong, that doesn't mean it will work with her!''

''Jin hyung!'' Jin proceed to look over at Taehyung, who interrupted his thoughts. ''Like I said the last time and now I'm going to say it once again, who has the girlfriend between us?''

''You...'' Jin sighed, knowing that it was best to follow an advice of someone, who actually has a love life.

''Then just trust us, old man!'' Jimin smiled proudly. ''Besides we'll be here to guide you!''

''But shouldn't the date be about Jin oppa?'' Kei asked.

''Just trust us in this, noona!'' Jungkook assured her then placed his hands onto Jin's shoulders. ''You got this, hyung now let's go! You got a date to meet!''

My facial acting was Ha Jung Woo level, not happy to see you at all

Jin took a deep breath as he walked ahead, looking to see his date, for the day, wasn't far from where he was and was waving at him with a smile on her face as she saw him walking closer. Jin could feel his nerves getting the best of him, mentally encouraging himself to focus and clearing his throat a couple of times beforehand to make sure his voice doesn't crack when speaking to the girl. He was fixated on making this date perfect since he was never lucky with matters of the heart and he had been out of the dating game for a long time that he doubted his skills, it wasn't until his friends and their girlfriends were kind enough to help him.

''Be sure to be cool, hyung!'' Jungkook reminded as he clicked his fingers. ''Girls like a bit of coolness in a guy.''

''Coolness? How do I do that?'' Jin gulped his saliva, not even sure of how he was going to act.

''Act like you're not that happy to see her!'' Jimin reminded.

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