A Rose After All

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Chapter Thirty-Four

"You didn't have to do that."

My phone started buzzing in my purse again and I rolled my eyes knowing exactly who it was. Rey had called periodically all day and just like I said, I refused to answer. I had no idea what was between us but I knew it was important enough that him going home with that chick last night was not a good thing.

"It's my fault. Next time I'll remember to make you wear a jacket."

"I'm not going back there, Houston. I think if I do, that girl will egg my car."

We were sitting at the local park, eating take out from KFC. Not my favorite restaurant but it was close and I was starving. My insulin was literally zapping the hell out of me and by the time we'd picked a picnic table, I swore my stomach was trying to eat itself. Houston had carried the food and I nearly took his hand off in order to tear into it.

"You look like a baby dinosaur. You know that, right?"

"Which dinosaur?"


"Are you trying to tell me I'm fat?"

"Where did you get that out of me telling you..."

"Have you ever seen a T-Rex? Like gone to the Natural Science Museum? Those things were huge."

"Ok, so maybe T-Rex wasn't the best pick..."

"Triceratops. That used to be my favorite dinosaur. Did you ever watch the Land Before Time?"

He nodded. "Yeah. The Brave Little Toaster, We're Back, and The Troll in Central Park too. Can you believe it? I used to be a child, who would've thought?" I tried to kick him under the table but he moved his leg out of the way. "Watch it there, missy. I would hate to have to arrest you for assaulting a police officer."

"You're off duty."

"Does it look like I give a shit? You still owe me a drink by the way. I was thinking you could come over to my place sometime in the next week and cook. You could bring a six pack..."

"Of beer? Ew. That's piss water. No. If I owe you a drink then I'm buying you a real drink."

He smiled behind a chicken leg. "You're not even old enough to legally buy me a drink."

"Believe it or not but I have connections. I don't need to buy you a drink. All I'd have to do is raid my brother's alcohol stash before one of his parties. Granted he might think I'm relapsing but I'll risk it."

"That's something I don't need to know. You know I can arrest him for aiding in the delinquency of a minor."

"Then arrest him. See how far it gets you."

He just rolled his eyes and finished the chicken leg. For the next ten minutes we ate in silence, both of us focused on the food, our thoughts, and the surroundings. The table we sat at was by the water and a good distance from the playground that the sounds of the children laughing and playing wouldn't interrupt our conversation if we ever started one. The paddle boat station was a few yards away, yet to be opened for the summer. I remember when Vince would bring me here to play. He'd always get frustrated with how slow the boat would actually move. I told him he needed to have patience and he'd scowl at me in return.

Houston waited for me to finish my tub of mashed potatoes before saying anything.

"I want to talk about my partner."

I put the white Styrofoam container on the table and wiped my mouth with a napkin. Yes I was stalling but I was still trying to figure out if telling him the whole truth was best or if I should let him figure it out on his own.

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