First class seat

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I walk into the school and its bigger than I could imagine. Then I walk to see the front office with two ladies sitting behind the window.

I freeze for a bit kind of scared of what to say, how to say it, when to start speaking.

'What if it's not even the office! Wait why the hell wouldn't it be the office?!?'

I walk up slowing so I can think of what to say once I get their attention. As I walk up my face starts to heat up.

'Just clear your throat and go with the flow'
I finally get to the window and wait for a bit because the two ladies were doing paperwork.

I clear my throat and the lady closest to the window looks at me and says

"Hello how can I help"
"UH...Sorry I'm new here"
"" As she turns to a computer on her right.
"What dear?" She says
"Camilla?" She says back
"CAR-mel-AH" I say back a bit loud.
"OH car...mel..ah" She says with a little attitude.

I start to blush because I get really embarrassed from my first impression.

The lady gives me a paper with my schedule on it and I go to my locker before the hallways fill.

I get the things I need and close my locker and hear the bell ring.

Look at my schedule to find what class I go to first. Mrs. Thompson hmm doesn't seem bad, I go up to the second floor and try to find Mrs. Thompson before all the kids get their stuff and fill up the halls and swallow me whole.

Mrs. Steffen, Mr. Charles, THOMPSON THERE!

"YES!" I say out loud while some kids are already at their lockers on the same floor as I am.

I quickly walk to her classroom so no one thinks it's me who said it.

I walk into her classroom
*long sniff* mmmmm smells good

"Hi" Says Mrs.Thompson

"FUCK!" I get scared and jump and turn around to see the teacher..

'Oh shit you just said fuck in front of your teacher! What the fuck are you gonna do now dumbass'

"Um please watch your language next time, I'm Mrs.Thompson your reading and science teacher.

She goes to give you a hand shake and you shake her soft hand slowly.

She's sweet and chill and I have her two periods? SCORE!

Other kids start to come into the classroom.

There are many types of students at my new school, the pretty girls who show off and glare at any other girl who doesn't look like them, the cool hot guys that fuck all of the girls they can, the noncool guys who game and jerk off when they can, and the noncool girls who are just discussing because they don't take showers.

'Yeah now lets see what group your gonna fit it CARMELLA'

I look around and I see all of the kids split up into groups. And you see one table next to the window farthest to the door. PERFECT! But there's two girls sitting there...

I go ahead anyway, as i try to pass Aaron the coolest guy in the whole school, my butt gets stuck inbetween this one cool guy's chair and the table.


The guys laugh and I hurry to my seat and sit down in front of the blonde one with an empty seat next to me, there's a light brown headed girl sitting next to the blonde girl.

"Hey..." said the blonde girl
"Hi" I reply
"I understand what it feels to be new and I know how scared you feel and I feel the same even though I have been here all my life..."
"Oh cool, so can we be like friends cause I really need someone who knows their way around and what type of people are who"
"Haha sure, by the way I'm Sara"
"I'm Carmella"
"That's sooo pretty"
"I get that a lot" I blush.
"I bet" she smiles brightly at me. The way her cheeks raise as high as her eyes would too make me smile.

She looks at her grades on her school computer and groans.

"What's the matter" I say to her.

"My grades, if they don't go up I will be grounded"

"Let me see"

She turns her computer towards me and all I see are As and Bs and one C.

"no that C needs to be a B or A but really all of my grades need to be all As"

'What the hell? Why does she need all As, C is a passing grade and Bs are good'

"If I don't have all As my mom will FREAK"

"Awww Sara it will be ok"

"Hey can you help me practice my French?" Says the girl next to Sara.

"Sure, oh by the way Carmella this is Lee she's my closest friend"

"Cool" I reply with a big smile.

Lee looks at me like she doesnt understand my exsistance but then Sara adds in

"shes shy"

"oh..." I reply as my smile fades.

then we get on with class.

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