Not a Titanic Story

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Do you remember that movie, Titanic? Well, it's gonna be nothing like this. Forgive my informal type of writing, but I believe that the story I'm about to tell is everything but formal, so I don't see the point in a formal language. Well.. I'm going to start from the almost beginning...

She was right there, in the ship deck, looking down the ocean, seem so calm and peaceful, but she was really terrified of the ocean, so she couldn't stay inside the salon for the party without the feeling of throwing up any minute. She wasn't the prettiest woman in the place, pretty much because there were a lot of famous people, and she was just.... Her. But she knew, and not only she, lets say, that she looked stunning that night.

Was in that kind of thought that he started looking for her one more time, even though he didn't notice that at the time.

But wait, who am I talking about? Let me introduce our catchers. She, Jane Riller, the manager of a big teenage band, and he, Tom Hiddleston, the actor.. I don't really have to talk about him for you right? Anyways... have they met before? I don't think so, maybe seen each other in events like this one, but not really known. But I'm petty sure they have noticed each other before.

Well as I said, she was in the deck, taking a breath, when he came out and approach her easily.

-Good evening, do you mind if I stay for a cigarette? - he said while looking at her shy smile.

-No problem sir. I was kind nervous to be here all alone anyway – she said trying not to smile too hard.

-Then why are you?

-I'm afraid of the ocean, so I couldn't keep calm inside the salon, thought it would be better in here, it sure wasn't.

- Understood.- a pause- Tom, Tom Hiddleston – he raise his hand to her.

-I'm aware of that, kind impossible not to know you, I'm just Jane – She said giving him her hand, that he kissed gently.

-So, just Jane, I can't deny I've already seen you around, do you mind tell me what you do?

-Well, I'm a manager, for that teenage band, not exactly a dream job, but I kind enjoy it.

-What do you believe to be a "dream job"?

-I don't really know to be honest, I'm not the dreamer kind of person, what I meant is that, in the world I live, among all those famous people like you, my job is not the one people want, is the one they avoid. – She gives her back to the ocean and face the salon

-Well, I believe that you do have a very interesting job, that may not be as fabulous as people think our is, but it sure demands a way more from you than everyone believes. Do you understand me?- He smiles at her offering his glass for her to drink

-Yes, yes I do – she smiles, and refuse his glass with her hands

- Well, I'd love to talk more, but since you won't take my glass, at least let me get one for you.

-Sure, why not. – He gives her his arm so she would enter the salon with him to get another drink.

They both didn't know what was going to happen, they were just having a drink, talking about life. As I said, they had already seen each other around, because none of them had any trouble in open up, but this was for sure, the first time they have talked.

He was so polite, a true gentleman, and she was so NOT a lady, it was easily to tell how divergent they both were, but I'm pretty sure that was what made everything so interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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