Chapter Twenty-Nine

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After six hours, Connor and Dr Abrams walk out to Kelly, Lee Henry and the rest of 51. Boden requested that they be taken out of rotation for the rest of the shift given the circumstances. When Kelly sees Connor and Dr Abrams, he stands up and walks over to them. 'Surgery was a success.' Dr Abrams tells him. 'I was able to drain the blood. Her ICP is high so we're monitoring that.'

'I had to remove her spleen. It was too damaged. She had damage to other organs too but nothing too severe. She's still having blood transfusions. She lost a lot of blood.' Connor adds. 'She'll need to be on medication though, to compensate for the spleen.'

'You can go and see her.' Dr Abrams. 'But please be aware, we're going to keep her intubated and she is in a coma. We don't know when- if she's going to wake up.'

'Right.' Kelly sighs. 'Thank you.' The two doctors then walk away. Kelly turns back to everyone. 'Surgery was a success but she's in a coma. They don't know if she's going to wake up.' Kelly tells them. Everyone looks at him, sorrowful looks. 'I'm erm- I'm going to go through to her room.

Kelly walks into Emily's hospital room and sits in the chair next to the bed. He takes her hand. 'Why didn't you speak to me.' He whispers. He then moves a few strands of hair out of her face. 'I would've listened. Helped.' The room starts filling with everyone from 51. Boden stands next to him and puts his hand on his shoulder. 'I can't lose her.'

'You've got furlough coming up. I'll grant you it so you can be with Emily.' Boden tells him. 'I'll give you mine if you need it.'

'Give him mine too, chief.' Casey says. Everyone follows suit.

'Thanks, guys.' Kelly smiles. A nurse then walks in.

'It's too crowded in here.' He tells them. 'Family only, for now.' Everyone says goodbye to Kelly, apart from Sylvie, who sits in the chair on the other side of the bed. They all then walk out, Lee Henry looks at Emily before walking out with Herrmann.

'Why didn't she speak to me?' Lee Henry asks. 'I should have gone to Kelly sooner.' He adds, angry at himself.

'Lee Henry Herrmann, don't you dare blame yourself!' Herrmann says sternly. 'PTSD is hard to talk about. It's even harder for someone to admit that they have PTSD.' Herrmann consoles his oldest child. 'You weren't to know she'd do this. None of us was to know.'

'I should have known!' Lee Henry exclaims. 'I live with her! I've been sharing a bed with her! I should have known!' He adds, quietly.

'Lee Henry, I can't promise you that she'll be OK but I can tell you she's a fighter. She'll try and fight this.' Herrmann comforts him.


It has been a month, the pressure inside Emily's brain has reduced slightly. She still hasn't woken up from a coma. Kelly has been with her every day. He's barely left her side. Connor walks into the room to check on her. When he walks in he sees that Kelly isn't there. He listens to Emily's chest and looks at the monitors. He looks at the monitors and sees that he oxygen saturations are lowering. He listens even more carefully to her chest. 'Shit.' He mutters. He feels down her legs. Just then, Kelly walks in.

'What's going on?' Kelly asks, concerned.

'She's got a deep vein thrombosis. A clot, in her lower leg. Part of that clot has broken off and travelled to her lungs.' Connor explains. The machines then blare alerting Connor. Connor looks over at the screen. He rushes over to Emily's bedside and presses the code alarm. 'She's in VF.' Connor tells Kelly as he puts the bed down. He then starts compressions. 

After half an hour

'She's in asystole.' A nurse tells Connor. 

'Connor, you have to bring her back.' Kelly pleads, tears in his eyes.

'Doctor.' A nurse says. 'She's been in asystole for too long.' Connor stops compressions and steps back. 

'Anyone have any other suggestions?' Connor asks. The nurses shake their heads. He looks at Kelly. 'I am so sorry, Kelly.' He then looks at the monitor. 'Time of death, 14:37.'

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