Chapter 9 - Epilogue

Start from the beginning

After a lot of fights and sleepless nights, Shravan and Suman both realized that they couldn't deny each other what they wanted so they came to a conclusion - a quaint day wedding with their closest family and friends, just like Suman wanted and a grand reception in the evening for all the acquaintances of the Malhotra family. After the main details were decided, the bride and groom along with their family members didn't waste a minute in planning the wedding. From the decor to the seating and to the food, every minute little detail was focused on to make it perfect.

The theme for the decor for the wedding was yellow and white with splashes of purple and beige. While all the ladies wanted to keep the same theme for their wedding attire, Suman scraped that idea and wanted everyone to dress up in the brightest of colours, of their choice, that complemented the decor. She wanted colours and since it was not possible with the decor she wanted that in her families attire.

Oh, you must be wondering where the wedding would be happening? Well, it so happens that the Malhotra's have a farmhouse on the outskirts of Delhi, that was used for when they wanted small vacations and now the entire farmhouse was decorated according to the bride's wish which was granted by none other than her best friend and brother-in-law, Pushkar and her husband-to-be Shravan.

After the wedding fiasco and Suman and Shravan coming clean about everything to each other things had been different than they had been before. Not everything was rainbows and sunshine but things took a turn for the better.  After Preeti and Daboo's outburst, Mamiji had calmed down when it came to Suman and didn't behave the way she used to. One would say she had become more of a motherly figure to Suman now than she had been before. Suman, on the other hand, had managed to pay off her mother's debt to Mamiji in the last two years as her business was booming and touching new heights, especially after she was awarded the Young Entrepreneur Award two months after the everything had gone down. Now, Priya Central Tiffin had turned into Priya Central Tiffin & Catering on demand of the public when they wanted Suman to cater the high-end parties.

Things in Malhotra Mansion were a whole lot different than they were in Tiwari Killa. Pushkar and Preeti were on cloud nine after the birth of their daughter, Pakhi Malhotra, who just like her father and mother adored her Bade Papa and soon-to-be Badi Mumma, because Suman would not be called Masi with Shravan around. 
Kamini had turned a new leaf after her truth was revealed too and she was ashamed of her doings and has been trying her best to make-up for all her doings, but whatever the outcome would have been Shravan and Pushkar still love her the same. 

Things were far better between Shravan and Ramnath now than they had been a year and a half ago. After his confrontation with his father, Shravan needed time and space from him to accept the truth that he now knew; he had decided to go back to London and spent a month in wrapping up his firm so that he could move it to Delhi and be his own independent self because even though Shravan had no hope, at that time, to mend his relationship with his father he couldn't deny that Ramnath Malhotra had been an inspiration for him when it came to their profession and wanted to walk in his footsteps professionally

What was Suman's take on all this? She hated that he was in London and hated the fact when he came to her and told her about his decision, she let her thoughts be known to him but at the same time she also told him that she understood where he was coming from; knowing that he had been emotionally played by the three most important people in his life, she stood by his decision and with a heavy heart bid him a "see you soon" at the airport and then cried her heart out once she was alone in her room.

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