one year before

13 1 0

When Jean went home from school he was very exited. This new virtual reality game was released just this morning! Sadly he had to go to school today. But now he ran to the game shop near his home and bought it right away. As fast as possible he went home to try it out. But when he entered his room and was about to put on the helmet he saw the instructions for use. He was a dutiful boy so he had to read it.

Interesting stuff. Ok. Nothing he didn't know from other games. But wait. Last row.
What did it say?
Imagination required!
What? Ok, this was strange.

But why shouldn't I try it? I got imagination, he thought.

Thousands of people had the same thought these days.
And this was the beginning of a new age of virtual reality games.

Ich bitte schon mal im Voraus drum mein Englisch zu verbessern, wenn's komisch formuliert, oder einfach falsch ist und ihr's besser wisst. Danke für das Interesse und noch viel Spaß beim lesen.

A new reality Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt