The man with scarred face

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It was not long before they found a beautiful gazebo. On a normal day, the gazebo would have been lovely. Yet this did not seem like a normal day. The countryside looked eerie. Anne and Eleanor felt even sadder than before. The trees were still. The birds were silent.

Now the women had stronger feelings of gloom. Something terrible would surely happen soon. But what?

Anne and Eleanor decided to keep going. If they could find the villa, maybe they would feel better.

Suddenly, a man rushed up from behind them. He had a peculiar smile. His face was scarred.

The man stared at Anne and Eleanor. Finally, he said, "You are going the wrong way."

The man pointed to a small bridge. He told the women to go across it. Anne and Eleanor turned and started across the bridge. When they looked back, the strange man was gone.

A day at VersilleKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat