
19 1 1

I woke up to the sound of my alarm shrieking in my ear like a animal dying. I walked to my bathroom and tried to tame my hair. Key word tried. I walked downstairs into my kitchen and got a bowl, milk in cereal out. I quickly ate then ran up into my bedroom to change. It was 6 in the morning so no one was up. I heard someone pull up into my driveway. It was Katie, my carpool. I grabbed my bag of school clothes and went of into the car, on my way to cheer practice. It was a quiet drive there was nothing really to talk about. When we got to the school gym I quickly thanked Katie and went to practice.

"Hey Jaz" people greeted me. So many people liked me they said I was a good role model but other people in my grade just glares at me when I am walking down the hall, like I just ruined their lives. People think as me as a bubbly cheerleader or a girl that just flirts with the jocks all day. *cough cough* Katie *cough cough*. I have a different side, I love to garden, read books and explore outside. But at school I am just a 'perfect' cheerleader who spends their days looking at the jock's Instagrams and going to all kinds of parties. Psych I am not one of those girls.

At cheer we practice our regular routine and did a couple of stunts. When we were getting changed a letter slipped out of my bag. Lila got my letter and started to open it.

"Jasmine is this one your love letters to a boy or is it from your grandpa. Oh wait he is dead." Said Lila. Her minions laughed evilly with her and they started to open the letter.

"give it back!" I yelled at them. I had no idea what the letter said but I didn't want it in the wrong hands.

"A letter to going to a boarding school! In Eigg!" Lila said in surprise.

"Jasmine are you really going there." said a new girl, Jamie.

"yes I am" I said. I needed to get out of this mess and leave all of my worries behind. I snatched the letter from Lila's hand and read it. It said I would be leaving in one week to the island Eigg of the coast of Scottland.

I went into the bathroom and looked at my self in the mirror. I looked at my brown frizzy hair, my brown skin and the bright tree green eyes. Everyone loves me for who I am on the outside. I sometimes wished that everyone was blind and they could only see people for who they are. I guess I am pretty but nothing like Kate. She had piercing blue eyes, chocolate brown hair and perfectly tanned skin. I looked at myself then I noticed a little bit of green in my hair. Oh no. No no no no no. I thought . This can't be happening. I picked up my letter and words started to appear. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me but there was words. It said:


You have been enrolled into an organization for people who have powers like you. We are unsure what your powers are but, you hold on of the powers of the 5 elements. You will meet 4 other people who hold the other elements. We will have you train and get ready to fight the other side. You will need to pack some belongings but we have some clothes with you. Your ferry and plane ticket are in this letter. Just snap your fingers and they will appear. Come on December 5.

Safe travels,

Megan Wilson, The leader of the program.

I stood there in shock. I have never gotten any thing important only the junky collage letters. I snapped my fingers and the plane ticket and ferry ticket appeared.

I leave in a couple of days! Yes I get to leave this horrible place they call school and even better, I get to go out of the country! I have never been this excited. The bell ringed I had to get to first period.

----------------time skipo----------

I left school and headed home. I saw my mom and my brother sitting at the counter.

"Hey Jazzy we need to talk" my mother said. Jazzy was a nickname and it was rarely used when I was little because I would say jazzy hands instead of jazz hands. 

I sat down at the table uncomfortably.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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