Chapter 1

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I wake up to the sounds of birds chirping, normally I would attempt getting up but today I just roll over. I haven't had a good nights sleep in days. It's been almost 8 months since Will's death and the pain has not subsided. Everyday I feel him next to me, everyday pain punches me in the face reminding me he's not. I've fled back to the woods, the only place that I feel safe right now. I look up from my bed of leaves and twigs into the bright blue sky, the sun twinkling through the branches. "Everyday is a new day,"I tell myself, "things will change." But nothing compares to the betrayal and heartache I've felt these last few months. Most of it is pure anger but the other part is the amount of hurt I feel, and don't feel. My hair is blacker than coal now. I decided to cut it as a symbol of new beginnings and cutting ties from the past. Not cutting off much, it falls just slightly above my shoulders. It isn't a perfect cut but it serves it's meaning. Finally, I gather up the strength to get up and make breakfast. The autumn air is crisp and fresh as the amber leaves fall from the trees. I'm neither cold nor hot as the breeze blows through, I have enough clothes to keep me warm but I'm unsure what will come of me when the snow falls. My magic is scarce, as I am too afraid of myself to use it. Though it is helpful to catch my meals. While I put my kettle over the fire, I think of Will. I rub the place on my finger where my wedding ring used to be, as I stare blankly into the abyss. There's a reason they call it a heartbreak, and I feel mine crumbling out of my chest. I pull myself out of my thoughts and tend to my kettle. I've made rabbit soup that tastes horrid but I need to eat so I finish it.

I keep a watchful eye on the kingdom, and every so often I will go into town wearing my black hood to listen to the upcoming news. Today I've decided to take a big risk and use my powers. You cannot find out much by just listening, therefore I will disguise my voice to find out more. When I arrive to town things seem odd. No one is speaking and it is much too quiet for my liking. I walk up to one gentleman and tap him on the shoulder. "Excuse me sir, could you be a dear and tell me what has happened? Why a gloom face on all the town?" He turned around and spoke to me, "Why my lady, have you not heard? There is a new king." My heart sinks. A new king? Rage boils under my skin at the thought of anyone other than Will as king. I exhale before replying," Good sir, do tell whom it is?" He looked at me puzzled as if I've never been to Camelot in all my life. Ha. If only he knew he was talking to the rightful queen. "Well miss, ever since Will was murdered by his queen, dreadful creature she is, the kingdom has been looking for an heir. Today was the coronation of the new king. William's estranged brother Donovan. Nobody knew he even existed and we are not even certain he is who he says he is! William is supposed to be the only grandson of Arthur! Though their resemblance is impeccable, William and he, that is why the kingdom believes what he says is true! They are almost identical, but he is an absolute nightmare! Disapproves all of our previous laws and the list of new ones are terrible. That miss is why everyone is so sorrowful." I stood there in silence and nodded before running home. What I heard could not be true. A brother? The kingdom thinks I murdered my love? They perceive me as a monster, the monster I've always been that I cannot escape. Tears burn down my cheek as I kneel down on my homemade bed. My nails digging into my scull as I hold my head still trying to stop the tears. Each one that falls feels like fire touching my skin.
Finally, my tears dry and my anger boils. Revenge is the only thing on my mind. Will worked so hard to keep Camelot a beautiful kingdom and it was. I will not let his self-proclaimed brother ruin his legacy.
Besides, I put my hand over my enlarged stomach, I'm carrying the crown's rightful heir.

Author's Note: Well, well, well. Long time no see ;) Welcome back! I am beyond excited to be bringing this story back. It felt unfinished and I started on the sequel right after part 1 ended. What do you all think?! Are you loving it so far??!! I want feed back!! Also how often should I post a chapter? Let me know and I'll see y'all in the next one :)

P.S Like always I will be going back to edit and put the finishing touches on each chapter, I just want you all to read so I perfect it later!

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